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Dust, dust everywhere, and new conspiracies

After the last bit we took the advice of Bamidele and stayed in line of sight of him to wait for the mysterious seller and to await for the sign of messing with his hat twice, on seeing it we approached from different angles, I was the furthest away trying to get in a position to prevent the seller running away after being spoken with when Ruin in typical fashion walked up to to the seller, I was starting to approach when they proceeded to toss their bag of dust into the air covering a large swath of the surrounding area, and Illiara cast something likely in attempt to stop them but mainly blinded those around, to the point that poor Ruin even fell unconscious.   I tried to help get everyone back in action with some prestidigitation to clean up some of the dust on everything, and after waking up Ruin and helping Bamidele we proceeded to chase after the mysterious seller, dodging and weaving, Ruin and Cualli chasing behind the seller while Illiara and I went down a side street to try and head them off, after long chase aside we were able to the seller tied up with a combination of clothes lines, tackles, and magical entanglements.   After bringing them to a more secluded spot and talking with them, we found out some secretive group had gotten them to sell the magically altered substance, possibly frogs? Not sure what they would be like, Tanuki now they know how to have a good time, but frogs seem a bit more reclusive, especially these ones from the sound.   Either way they agreed to give more information on them if we were able to get them to safety, so it was decided to get them on a boat, after getting there we met a friendly face, and after some discussion, they are going to take the seller with them, possibly to be a pirate? Not really sure, but either way away from here, and they gave us the information promised before they left.

From tears to dust

Today was an eventful day, as per my last entry I went to speak to Esi, to try and say that all she does, as she is very active in the school, much more than our little troupe is recognized and I am sure appreciated by those she helps and interacts with. I am unsure how much the talk that had her in tears may really have helped her, but I hope it did, and thankfully was not nearly as awkward as my attempt to have a conversation with Anchor Root before, I am beginning to think it might be best to leave any kind of attempted serious conversation to his highness..   But to the task at end, we were given a new task to look into, some powder additive that was deemed as potentially suspicious because of how incredibly low price it was being sold for despite very impressive claims on what it can do. After some careful examination with the tools at end and some of my own in the store I was able to track down the powder had been magically altered, and while it would provide an increase to the quality of what it was used to make, improving the color, or taste of the food, etc.. it also introduces a relatively low, ~10-15% chance instability that something it was made with, particularly if used for something magical in nature such as a potion, to have something go wrong, and such magical alterations while it has a chance it could be accidental, it is very unlikely so.   And so we sallied forth to find Bamidele who had been selling said powder at incredibly low prices, who after explaining what was discovered about the powder, seemed to not have known about it, and the they themselves had gotten it from someone else who has not been seen or heard from in a few weeks since selling them the powder (to which I was able to confirm the powder they had in stock still, had the same magical alterations as that from that tested earlier)   The plan is to spread the rumor that Bamidele is out of the powder, so hopefully it will spread out and reach the ears of that who sold it to them and they would come back to attempt to sell them more where we can then ask some questions of our own.   Bamidele said it might be about a day though, and said to go ahead and do our own thing and they would get word to us, so now to figure out what to do for a while, although likely to soon to see if Xochitl may still in town.

A few awkward conversions, some speeches, and some true feelings shown

After the last we had a bit of time to rest and relax, most of it I spent helping with crafts to earn some coin, but I also was able to hang out and chat and all with Cheshire for a good bit. I did also try to get to know and hang out with Anchor Root.. but let's just say that was one long awkward lesson not to repeat in the near feature.   There was also a pretty orc lass named Xochitl that had been wandering the school, apparently she knew Cualli and was asking after him, something about his kids missing him but being happy his furthering his education here. Which Cualli may have for some reason attributed to my own self, as he and the twins burst in to give me a monumental amount of work to do with extremely sticky, and pink contributions to my own self, with a shouted 'you know what you did' on the way out. I am sure the twins have engrossed themselves in the styles of my wardrobe, of which I am proud of and not seen anything like said orc lass was seen to wear, not to mention not being an orc, but then again my people are from far far away from here, and how the two groups of my people are is likely not a known thing here.   I have since dealt with the nasty mess of stickyness of the former, the latter is taking a bit longer, and while it is not a bad shade of pink, I do think I'd rather be my normal shade, I am partial to it after all. And the twins have offered to assist with whatever endeavors there may be in the future for the price of a 'medium' favor, I have asked them return in a couple weeks time, as to let things calm down a bit, before whatever may occur, who knows, perhaps that Xochitl lass hasn't left the school grounds by then?   After our period of rest and relaxation we came to needing to make our speeches for our promotion as it were, Esi seemed a bit unhappy during the event which I can understand, she has been here longer than our little troupe, and she seems to be incredibly active with the school, more so than any of us really, and yet we are being given this honor as it is while she has not. While I have no idea really what I could do to help, I would like to speak with her and see if there is any way I could. And who knows, maybe I could somehow get Cheshire involved as well, the two bring out the best in each other after all yes?   But I digress, the speeches were all heartfelt, with applause around, I really wasn't sure on what to say honestly about the topics of magic, community and my future, so I tried to just speak from the heart. About how magic is intrinsic to my people, we are all born with at least some minor access to it, but even so I have strived to always learn more about it, as well as the world at large, about this community at the school has always been very welcoming, even for people from far far away as I and how I wish to help those here however I can, and lastly about how I am a wanderer, it is in my other name after all, and while I will likely always feel the call to wander, to explore and see and experience more of the world that of yet I have not, that I would like to potentially be a teacher and assist those learning about magic and life, if between periods of absence for the former.   Illiara's speech in particular though was extremely surprising for a couple reasons, one is it seemed particularly disparaging about the school and how it handles some groups of students, but also encouring that she intends to stand up for them and try to make sure they are looked after, but most surprisingly is I think it is the most actual emotion we have ever seen from her, the one of our group who has always seemed aloof and emotionless most of the time, it was a sight to see, and nice to see her have true feelings on something.   Of which note after the events and parting of ways, I think there may be some muttering from her about taking over that old abandoned tree we had cleared out a while ago..   Also we cannot forget the rematch between Cuali and Ruin of course, after he gathered up the courage to ask her to spar, she handily trounced him the first time as expected, but he surprisingly held his ground after that for a time after that.   Apparently they wanted to spend some time getting closer after that, which as I was only there for the purposes of getting accurate results for the bets that have been made I was to make my leave until I found out I was not the only one that had been watching the spar and the twins had some.. Sensitive questions about what they had been discussing as I was turning around to leave, I hope my pointers to their mother will get them in the right direction, even if she may be unhappily hunting for me later.

Did anyone get the number of that deer.. thing

The adventure in the collection of the irritable lady continued, after having cleverly corralled the two tigers of the sign noted three back in their pen, Cuali who had acted as bait to get them in there was able to slip out and for us to continue seeing what we could find.   Ruin and Illiara went to the left from the cage, while Cuali and I went to the right, I was ahead tryingt to stick in the bushes and tree lines to avoid sight and see what we could see, only to find myself face to face with a very unhappy electric deer snake tail thing seemingly having stumbled into where it was near the end of the treeline here. It quickly made its displeasure at being disturbed known acquainting me again with the grass under the trees there.   Long battle short, apparently the reason we did not have another tiger trying to have us for lunch earlier, is because the basilisk cage was also opened by whoever has seemingly been through and illigitly opening the animal cages, and the tiger had wandered a bit too close. Ruin proceeded to lure the perturbed electric cervine over to the basilisks cage so that it could get turned to stone, lock the basilisks cage, and bring this eventful and painful day to close.   Also apparently basilisks blood can be used to cure said petrification, as long as it is applied shortly enough after the event occurs, so the indignant stag should be ok, with the only casualty among the animals being the tiger that h ad been petrified before we had gotten there, which the animal trader was happy about.   Also after a long and well deserved bath & rest, a wealth of new experience was to be had, and saying such, what was the name of that pretty ork lass of Cuali's.. will have to remember that, for no specific reason.

Gryphons, Tigers, and Daikitsu-knows-what oh my

After the remaining screaming monkeys were dealt with, thankfully with no more episodes of sudden tiredness, we talked with the two a bit more before returning to the dorm.   In the end we decided we should look more into the situation of the Gryphons, what exactly happened there, did they accidentally get loose, were they let loose, why when there were other sources where they could feed around did they end up flying to where we and the new students were, et al.   During the process of looking into where to go for that and before leaving, we had an enjoyable conversation with Cheshire, and talked more about Pappa Cualli (note to self, more of the school and/or dorm should know about the wholeness of Cualli's fatherhood, look into that). We also spoke with Esi, to which I made sure to point out for Cheshire how she believes he has so much potential (no need to focus on the negative bit that may have followed), so to keep a chin up there.   After speaking with the rather disagreeable woman that owned the Gryphons, who claimed to have fed them large amounts of insects regularly despite the fact they seemed malnourished from what I remember, we were given permission to check the cages they had been kept in, but on getting to the area things seem off.   The keeper claimed that she hadn't been to the area for a bit now, but we found tracks that indicated someone has been through here within the day, including on a Tiger cage that was opened by some means not using a key recently as well, the tigers of which we soon were greeted by as they tried to make us their lunch, taking significant chunks of morsels as we were able to bait two of them into the cage with Cuali who then was able to slip out of and shut it, though we need to get it relocked, thankfully without harming them as the owner was very adamant about not bringing harm to any more of her animals.   A very worrying thing however is the sign had said three, where is the third, and what else may be loose here?

A journey with insanity

To go from a somewhat eventful day but with numerous naps to very event day travelling with someone who while full of useful knowledge (will definitely need to remember that trick about discovering arcane traps), may be quite possibly insane, we may never know.   From talking with teachers and following the potentially-insane one back to the bodies of the serpentfolk we were told they may be members of a group called the Coils of Ydersius, who apparently are a group of Serpentfolk that undergo intense training to improve their ability to disguise themselves, to the point of even being fixated on seeking methods of reincarnating into new forms to infiltrate societies. That they apparently have people deeply infiltrated in said societies, often for years, and are basically never caught because of their lack of skill in disguise or bleeding in, but due to their common attitudes of hubris, arrogance or entitlement.   I must say hearing about all this makes me fear for those who may be seen as something other than their true selves that have no planning to rule the world/evil intent and potential witch hunts for anyone that may appear as something other than their true self. I have remained thus for The Game, as it brings amusement for me, and I hope some measure of achievement and 'aha' moments for those that play, but I don't wish to become a danger to others or be in danger myself for it, something to think about at any rate.   But lastly apparently the teachers having learned of what we found, both the potentially-insane one and others, stress that it must not get out about the Serpentfolk being found, as there may be others undercover in the school and if it was made known that they had been discovered, would go to ground or who knows what else. That if they are to be dealt with as it were, that all of them present must be found out before the reveal was to be made.   We also had one of Ruins birthday parties (the first of who knows how many), I hope she appreciated the gift I made for her, I did my best to accurately carve a representation of Daikutsu and her children as they have statues of about my village back home, which I gave a small prayer to Daitkitsu if she so pleases, to bless and look over the one it was given to.   And now we are off to deal with some infestation with a pair of new students, primarily to keep watch and observe as we are not interfere, but we all know how these things tend to go..

Some not-so-friendly new friends

After our wayward encounter with the unhappy walking tree we headed outside to speak to the new students some more, but illiara let us know there were what seemed to be two people still inside talking behind a door. After heading back inside I listed with the help of comprehension and in a language I didn't know two were talking that did hear our altercation were discussing about if we had left yet.   Knocking and saying hello we saw two there, who introduced themselves as Oyo and Mtembe, saying they were students of the school as well, et al, the discussion seemed normal at first, however when it was asked who their teachers were they gave the names of Orwallu & Haarou, who I remembered from some past reading were teachers at the school until a couple years ago.   When I asked what should have been a simple question of when the last time they spoke to their stated teachers was, or the last time they went to class, they would not give me even a vague time, making up excuses about being free spirits and not tied down to times or whatnot.   Now don't get me wrong, I can be a free spirit at times, for daikitsu's sake my true name is based on my wanting to explore and see everything, but blatantly avoiding what should be a simple question twice after giving a seemingly obvious lie, didn't sit right at all.   After expressing as such to the others, things got a little heated and the two showed us a trapdoor to a secret entrance to this room, and proceeded to run towards it to get away, I had meant to have them think they were surrounded with a little misdirection so they would surrender or be more open to talking honestly, but it then came to blows.   After the smoke cleared it turns out our two new acquaintances were serpentfolk in disguise as the one in the secret passage we had come through (note to self: examine that one closer to see if we can confirm the likely case they may all have originally been in the same group), and poor Cuali was taking another nap, sleepy lad that one.

An eventful little trip

As the title doth say this little trip of ours has certainly not been dull. after speaking with the new students, Goss Droplets and Threads, their true names of which I will note below as to not clutter up the recount of the adventure so far, we found out a little more about them.   Droplets or Savanakin seems to be very interested in art and rituals, while also being able to write in multiple styles and seems to know a surprising number of languages even if not fully fluently in them, but at least enough to say hello as it were, also from some brief examples of speech from my homeland they do seem to quickly be able to pickup to the basics of new languages as well.   After entering and exploring around where our trip next doth led, we encountered a very angry and tough statue, awakened after Ruin opened a door in her normal fashion. After defeating it, were able to ascertain that its enhancement seemed to have been recharged in just the last day, so someone has been here recently, which may well have been the dead serpentfolk woman we encountered in the next room, or someone else. There we also encountered a nasty curse seeming to strengthen the effects of poison, positioned unsurprisingly around a number of large snakes.   During our explorations of the next few areas we encountered a ring of unknown use that Illiara secured with mage hand, a rune of striking given to our large angry friend Ruin, and I was able to grab a couple acids that may be useful for some crafting uses later.   Not to mention another large angry thing, this time made of wood, that was quite particularly painful to with myself and Cuali were sent to the corner to visit the lands of dreams for a little while, while Ruin and Illiara finished the very unhelpful fellow off, what a day aye?   *Written in the margins are the following names* Rainbows-Reflected-Upon-Gossamer-Strands nickname Goss - Goss Droplets-Hanging-Gently Savanakin - Droplets Barest-Threads-Billowing Maztachia - Threads

Another one down, one more to go

Ruin has solved the game, and in a decidedly Ruin fashion, despite the circumstances I was not surprised in the least as the means fit perfectly. This now leaving just one more yet to do so, though they seem not interested or curious to try, so it may be quite awhile, if ever before they solve it as well, but that is half the fun is it not? (the other half being finding out how they did in the end)   We went off to speak to a teacher Janatimo in his office on the northeast edge of the Campus, and after speaking with Cheshire that Noxolo or Okoro may know more about them, who told us they seemed to be a nice person who was known for nurturing students strengths.   The conversation was nice enough, had a few questions about ourselves, and seemed particularly interested in our shared dream we had where we all met before we physically met at the school, the one with all those not fun at all buzzy and stingy insects (even if it may have been just a dream, that precluded an extra long relaxing soak afterwards)   In the end we are to look after those new students we met shortly before the gryphon attack, to try and help them feel like they belong and fit in, help them with stuff to do, and of course the ever important, make them laugh!

What a trip its been

The masking ceremony, a major event for the school, making masks that best embody oneself and nature, I must think of a way to best embody this without making it too simple, as there is more to me then what is just under the surface as it were.   Also when many students get to see their parents again, some coming from quite far away. Of which I was pleasantly surprised to hear even my parents and sisters will be able to make it despite home being many months away by conventional travel as I have travelled around due to some friendly magic, mayhap it may be possible to visit them at times in the future in the same way, it would certainly save a few years accumulated over time getting from wherever I may be at the time to there and back again if I may someday learn the trick.   I introduced my friends to my dad, mom and two sisters who came (it is understandable that my brother wouldn't come, he usually spends most of his time in books and being the official record keeper of the family, is the one that make the most sense to stay behind and keep things in order while the rest of the family visits).   The reactions were varying, Ruin seemed to not understand what the big deal of the whole ceremony was and why peoples families were coming to see, possibly a little jealous as well, but my family tried to make her feel welcome and ask questions to get her talking.   Illiara was mostly detached with short polite conversation as is to be expected there, someday I will get her to open up and be more happy and sociable, even if it takes 50 years.   Cualli was friendly and seemed to enjoy the conversation, as the only one so far to have beaten the game I expect he had a few more questions he wanted to ask of them but didn't, perhaps for another time?   The ceremony itself was quite a spectacle, with a wide range of masks made, some students seemed to hide the nature of theirs for some reason, while others such as I were more than happy for anyone to see mask that represents them most.   Shortly after completing them however the ceremony was beset by a large number of many toothed grumpy insects, with everyone there, be they family, teachers or students taking part, all succeeded in driving them away, with some taking more fun in the endeavor then others (there was a running tally, and while my family did make a good show of themselves did pale in comparison to Cualli's who are far more used to conflict)   Afterwards was a great scurry of activity to track down how such an attack by a multitude of many legged menaces could occur on the school in such a fashion, and many underground tunnels were determined to be the case, with various groups sent down to deal with or map them, of which we were given said task of mapping these underground tunnels.   And boy have I never realized how drastically different being truly underground is, I have been in the dark many times, with nothing but moonlight or the faintest trace of it and been fine, but underground where there is nary a spark or hint of light in any fashion is a whole different beast, and most unpleasant one at that.   Thankfully Cualli had a few extra torches he lent so as I didn't end up more than simply a hindrance stumbling around blindly in the dark, following behind those more acclimated to these lightless hallways of dour solitude.   While mapping each passageway, I have tried to place a sigel at important points to help mark areas for navigation, or that might warrant further investigation at a later date as they will last quite awhile.   During these investigations we found more of bane of literature creatures, quite literally by punching our way (or Ruin punching her way) into their bedrooms, they were understandably upset but we have mostly cleared the underways we have been through, be it them, or the buzzing bees of stingerdom.   Of which one of our fellow students apparently is allergic too, and through the barest skin of our teeth we were able to save, so they could be brought safely to the surface, before we encountered a most interesting, or dangerous pair.   One was a very large insect with a thorax seemingly full of blood, attempting to be ridden by another dangerous looking one with a pick, who seemed to either know we were coming, or planned to come after us or the school at some point as they said something about us showing up as saving them the trouble.   We were able to soundly defeat the pair, with the scarily heavy strikes of the angry flaming Ruin, my rapier and the others.   Well the others are getting ready to move again, so I will continue at a later time, after further adventures in the deep dark.

The Tourney

Before the tourney there was an incident during the night with the twins and pound outside the dorms, Cuali and I awoke to the sounds of trouble and rushed outside to find one of the twins wrapped up in some kind of skin, and Wet had broke his way through the window of his room to try and help and was using a shard of glass from said window to try to cut the twin that was wrapped up free.   We were able to free the twin without any harm, though Wet did have some wounds due to using jagged glass in his hand to cut with that Cuali healed, and the the Twins said they saw something in the pond. Examaning the skin it seemed to be from a large snake maybe of some sort, but I was not able to find any tracks coming from or too the pond from it which is concerning.   While I am proud of Wet to have leaped to the defense of others, which goes further to my first impressions that he was a good kid, and why I hope I can help him along the path in life he wishes to take in a constructive and non-harmful manner, the twins seem reclusive and much less themselves after the encounter, including during the Tournament later. I will need to make a note on how I may be able to help cheer them up and restore them to their happy exuberant selves.   As far as the tournament, it was interesting to say the least, we fought a number of rounds against increasing numbers of these wooden constructs made by the Leshies in only two person teams. We started with Cualli and Ruin, as the pair we figured most likely to avoid or survive damage against enemies up front, as well as, especially in Ruins case, the skill and ability to take them down. While Illiara or myself can bring them down, we both tend to be more on the squishy side if something gets to us.   The first round went very well, with Ruin obliterating one of the shielded constructs, the following rounds didn't go quite so well, with both taking a fair bit of wounds, some of which Cuali healed.   After that it was switched up with Ruin and I, which at first went well, with Ruin continuing to deconstruct the constructs at alarming pace, until they unfortunately overwhelmed her and knocked her out and I found myself surrounded by a number of them. Surprising even myself I was able to jump, weave and dodge most of their blows while whittling them down a little at a time (note to self: find where the archery range is, as apparently in the many months it took to get here I have grown desperately out of practice), however by the time the last was down I was heavily wounded and almost unconscious myself.   The last round had Cuali and Illiara, which hopefully with Cualli holding them off Illiara can bring her spellwork to bear and clear the field, unfortunately as the case in my bout, Cuali was knocked out before too long by the constructs (to be fair, he was against a significantly higher number then Ruin & I), but Illiara was able to win the day, although share barely made it through same as I.   One thing of particular concern however , is her Umbrella that she seemed to care quite a bit for was broken during the fight, and the anger radiating off her and the expressions she made as she unleashed a torrent on the Leshi that broke it was terrifying to behold, and I had thought Ruin was the only slightly worrying one in the group.   After it all, apparently none of the other groups faired that much better, some others had been able to succeed same as we, but there was no definitive winner, all had apparently barely succeeded in one manner or another. So the final winner was put down to a crowd vote on who made the most impressive performance in the fights, and in that we took second place, to some that apparently made a spectacle of using combined tactics of greased ground lit on fire and toppling constructs into the fire, which I do admit sounds impressive to see.   Between the bath and sleep after the night events and the tournament, I did not get the chance to speak to Ruin as I hoped to, so I will make sure to do that at earliest opportunity.

Worries about Childrens future and upsetting friends

Today will be a short entry, but one I am most concerned about.   We were tasked with doing some community assistance and everyone went to where they felt they would like to assist the most, with Illiara and I ending up going to assist at the library, helping with learning to read or otherwise answer any questions people may have there kind of thing.   While there I met a young man who seemed to be down on their luck, not the most pleasant smelling or clean individual, but talking with them seemed a good soul. This young man wished to take up adventuring, so he could take care of his siblings and his dog, so I wished to assist this noble goal, while making sure to stress that adventuring is not the safest of things to do, so while it can be rewarding, and can help support those one cares about, one must be aware of the dangers, prepare for them and be careful.   So I searched for some books that would both be able to explain these things, in a way that would be useful and hopefully at least a little entertaining to a younger man, and found a good story that would do so, but while going over it the kid seemed to focus on the use of weapons in the story, so I went out to find another book that would hopefully help explain the usage of, but also most importantly the safe use of, care of, and when it should be necessary to use them.   The first bit was something about 'wetwork', that is a very confusing title, what does 'wet' have to do with using blades? Sure it might rain profusely and have a blade get wet, and yes bodily efluence may get on a blade during use as well. Perusing the tome however proved I was very glad I took the time to do so, as apparently 'wetwork' has something to do with the more unsavory types use of blades, such as the likes of assassins and thugs. This book would most certainly not be a good influence for a younger mind, and would likely lead them onto a path to their own demise, or that of many others in a bad fashion.   I was able to find another tome about the way of the blade that was much more akin to what I was looking for, it goes into depths about both how to properly and safely use a blade, but also that using one should be a last resort, that diplomacy if possible is always best first, and avoiding a conflict is preferable to having one. It actually reminded me of some of the Shogunate philosophies as explained to me by some of the settlements on the border of my forest home.   However on going over the tome with the young man, he did not understand why 'shanking' someone that should upset them was not the best first course of action, and my attempts to explain why not, and such as above about avoiding a conflict and home to themselves or others being the best course if possible were going particularly badly.   I attempted to elicit Illiara's assistance in the conversation, but it went no better then my own, and so in attempt to deflect, I asked the young man if they were hungry as they had mentioned having a hard time getting food, and obviously were in need a good bath as well, with the intention of finding Cualli who I feel would be a much better model for explaining why not to 'shank' everyone.   The young man agreed and so I went in search, and was able to find him at the same time of meeting up with Ruin, who wished to speak with me, so I introduced the young man to both my friends and ushered him to off with Cualli after explaining what he was interested in, and about how he was having a hard time understanding peaceful resolution to conflicts, while I spoke with Ruin outside about what she needed.   She asked if we were friends, which I would like to think I am with those I have met here, and once before in a dream and said so, and she asked if there was anything I wished to tell her, after asking that friends can tell eachother things, I couldn't really think of anything interesting going on at the time so had said no.   But she seemed upset about this answer, and then that she didn't have 'anything to say to me either' and went off, I fear that I have really upset her, though for the life of me I cannot think of why, but this greatly bothers me as I do not wish to do so.   I will have to find her later so I can talk, it probably may bore her to tears, but I will try to tell her things about myself until I can fix what upset I have caused.

Adventures in the Library

Still in the library and surrounded by a horde of creepy crawlies, I can only imagine how very long it will take to feel clean again after this adventure, first little unappreciated to being helped people covered in bits and pieces, to hordes of insects... Regardless, we were able to clear them out, though not without some minor to serious injury to all, with one of our number being knocked unconscious until they were able to recover.   Afterwards we were noticeably more cautious in this library of errant things that may or may not wish to eat you, and were able to eventually after thoroughly searching all the rooms find all the tomes and scrolls we were asked to find, minus what was left of the one that was used by the wasp nest in one room. Not entirely without incident however, as we did awaken some more of the critters that ambushed us in the bath the first day here that had been hiding among some books and scrolls, and besides one that was cut to tinders by a mighty swing of Ruin's sword (note to self: be careful about how one may attempt to brighten her day, failing and being on the receiving end of that sword would not be a highlight of any day) the rest were able to be safely 'encased' inside a tome by Illiara, much to my regret to say, to be released in the bath, to hopefully not ambush a good soak another day.   Also did get some nice comradery during the search, with Cuali I believe asking others about themselves for the first time, and about how some of the more magically inclined came about their knowledge or magic. He seemed particularly surprised when I told him about my childhood mishap with the family curtains before I was taught to control the inner fire, apparently people from around here do not have any innate magical abilities, which seems rather odd and sad if one asks me.   And besides, if one thinks needing to replace a couple drapes is bad, I really shouldn't mention about the story behind the blackened circle come garden later that used to be a neighbors dwelling (no, I most certainly was not involved)   But I get ahead of myself, after the tangling with various critters and finding the requested tomes and scrolls, we did also find a golden key, but not a lock for it to go, one suggested possibly in that nest in one room but noone was keen to check inside, and logically that a chest for the key would likely be too large to fit in that nest either way.   There was also the suggestion of since this library was for the moment besides the Nest, cleared out and apparently abandoned, that maybe it could be turned into a little home, hideout or otherwise place of quiet and solitude for us, which is a rather interesting idea. I wonder if the teachers might let slip the method used to keep the waters in the dorm baths continuously warm.. If so it may be possible to make another here if it was to be used as a kind of quiet place?   Ah but again back on track, we took the requested items to the teacher who took them and was concerned about the cantankerous 'residents' that had resided there, saying he would find someone to deal with the situation. When asked said that he didn't, and there may not even be anyone at the school that specifically knows why the building had been abandoned in the first place.   Well more study and tasks for another day, for now, an extra long, luxurious soak is in my immediate future.

Meeting everyone, and throwing balls

Today we met the rest of the students at the dorm, we certainly have an interesting bunch gathered here. After introductions they showed us their rooms and were interested in seeing ours, and we showed them all.   For some reason Ruin seemed particularly fascinated with the floor of my room and seemed to be looking for something I don't know what, but the others did have questions about the style of my room which I got to explain was themed over the forests of my home which I do miss, it is so warm and damp here.   There was conversation here and there, but the main thing that happened is we got to play a very interesting sport called air ball, everyone was divided into two teams, Chezhire, Ruin and I and a couple others in one, and Illiara and a number of students in the other, Cualli was feeling under the weather and stayed in bed.   The game itself was very fun, though Illiara both seemed to have a particular dislike of Chezshire, and spent a great deal of time glaring at the members of our team, and I do have to say, I do hope to stay on her good side because she certainly has one intimidating glare.   In the end however our side won, and good fun was had all around, though some seemed like they may not be so happy about the outcome, though I think Ruin may think a little better of me now, who knows, maybe she may be up for bringing some laughter to the rest of the students in the future.

The Grand Tour

Arrived at the dormitories after the introduction to the others, were given some umbrellas by a seemingly nice enough lady named Esi Djana. Though that brings to mind does it rain that much here that this is a common thing to give out? There seem to be trees about, but apparently they do not keep most but a slight shimmer of misty drizzle out like home.   There was also a catfolk named Chizire there who offered some mango and wine, though from what was said perhaps actually more along the lines of moonshine than wine. I will have to speak to them later as they seem someone who would appreciate, or perhaps assist with bringing more humor to those in need.   Met another couple new people in the entryway, and got to see the humorous sight of the friendly and rather small M'Olivia unintentionally scaring away a slightly taller gnoll with friendliness, whose name is apparently Anchor Root.   Some interesting magical baths they have here, apparently Ruins people prefer to not bath as often as others may, will need to check if there is latches here and/or extra strength drying methods.   Was shown a few other students rooms and introduced to them as well, including M'Olivia's friend from earlier, though she confused me with Illiara with our goals in life, as she apparently wishes to retire and something about frogs, I personally have no interest in retiring, there is entirely too much to see and experience out here.   Also met another named Ignaci Canterells in the hall before we were introduced to the eastern baths, which apparently are not often used simply because they are not as warm as the other, and while warmer water is nice, I am told these have latches on the inside and due to the before bit, more privacy.   However on first entering these baths I ended up engaged with a couple bundles of animated clothes in the bath, they gave a couple little cuts to Cualli, but were docile enough once caught and skittered away when freed after.   I was going to make use of the bath as well, but unfortunately after latching the door there was a knock while I was examining how exactly they work, how the water is kept heated and how the drainage if any works, so will need to come back later as it was time to go further on the tour.   On the south side of the dormitory there is an Interesting pond that the water level is always the same and unchanging year round, which is odd and interesting, it was mentioned that there is suspicion that it or the frogs around and in it may have been magically enchanted to attack or bother someone, but our guide seems to believe that isn't the case.   On the north side there is a fascinating gravitational anomaly around a spire, that can be potentially used to sling shot one selves or others, even to the roof of the building. I did a jump and even not trying to exert myself was able to get about 60 feet up, and if not for the rain of the day would have likely been an amazing view, even so I was able to make out various people here and there with their umbrellas out (if the weather is commonly like this I may need to ask if there is some sort of drying enchantments available)   Next we were shown to the messhall, of which there are two free meals a day, and there was a decent spread of food available, I was able to make some familiar sushi rolls, even if a poor facsimile to what would be at home, as they had fish, rice, and some lettuce that could be used for a wrap.   There was some brief discussion of group name, with Ruin suggesting Ruin's group, M'Olivia modifying that to Ruin and friends, and Cualli suggesting Dreamers. I don't mind whatever they may wish our little troupe to be called, though it would feel more appropriate to not have it be named after one person, whoever that person may be.   All throughout the tour Illiara seems rather cold and distant, she does not seem to wish to really get to know others, or speak on topics either. Cualli and Ruin seemed even almost ready to come to fisticuffs over getting Illiara to open up, but after some diffusing sushi, went on their way.   Lastly we visited the general store, where we were asked to make a beade that fit ourselves, so I made a very small approximation of one of the massive pines from home for them. We also found out we get a small stipend of coin every month, though aside from some equipment for studies I am not sure what exactly to use it for, as currency is not something I have used much besides when interacting with the settlements outside the forest.   Sadly I have not been able to bring much humor to those here so far, but I will have to speak to Chizire again later.

Introduction Ceremony, and meeting new friends again
4721 AR - Age of Lost Omens 1st of Gozran

Attended the introduction scenario today, met the tailed one again, the others looked sort of familiar, might they also have been from the dream?   The woman named Ruin seems very.. Intense, might be best not to try and bring humor to her, at least for a while.   Cualli seems to be very serious, though to be fair his homelands seems to be in a fair bit of trouble with demons so it is understandable, but certainly in need of some humor in their life.   M'Olivia is particularly concerned with plants.   Illiara seems to be another serious one, seems more skittish than the other though, probably have to be careful about what light is brought to them. Seems to wish for knowledge for the sake of it, more than for a lofty goal also like the other.   Mukami, apparently the name of the tailed one, looks to be a seeker of secrets and is from Msali(sp) which the teacher seemed to be concerned about. Seems to one that wishes to explore the world and share their culture with others, they may be a good fellow bringer of humor to the world, will have to talk to them later.   After we were given some practical tests, the candle one was interesting was I naturally can bring fire it was a simply matter for myself, but it seems only one other may be able to do so easily, and the end solution was a quite mundane one that makes complete sense but would never have come to me.   The second test with the bird was interesting, I am not sure exactly how I would have handled that on my own if others hadn't come up with a solution.   The snake test unfortunately was much the same, there was nothing magical about the snake, it had odd markings but not ones I have ever seen before to recognize their secret meaning, and while I have conversed with animals before never any of the scaled variety.   Mukami seems like they may have something in their bag, and apparently it doesn't appreciate funeral music, have to agree myself it is rather sad and not lively at all. In my village if one of the kin have passed they would want to be remembered for how they lived, merrily and happy not sad.   After some symbols appeared, that appeared to be along the lines of: Flickering Candle Balanced Scales Multi-pronged Key Persed Lips Open hand with eye in palm Running Hourglass Crescent Moon holding sun   After they appeared we were asked to choose one, and each approached one and seemed to learn something new afterwards (spells OOC) Illiara - Key - Ghost sound Ruin - Candle - Dancing Lights Malnar - Open hand with Eye - Know Direction M'Olivia - Crescent Moon - Read Aura Mukami - Hourglass - Stabilize Cualli - Scales - Guidance   Cuali recognized me from the dream, apparently he was indeed one of the ones   After the last we were asked to answer the question of what defines each of us even if it is rarely noticed, if there is something inside that pulls in some direction, or defies explanation, and so in essence, who each of us are, and how we could be best guided.   Ruin is apparently a secretive or to keep to themself person, or at least one that doesn't wish to speak of themselves.   Illiara has some secret that tries to pull them in a direction they do not wish to follow, and hopes studying here will help them resist it.   Mukami is like Ruin and didn't wish to share who they are with everyone.   M'Olivia is very, very focused on plants.   Cualli started saying about their goal for the school as they had mentioned before, which doesn't really answer the question of who they are, but then stopped and saying the world is big.   The teacher gave us some beads to symbolize our journey in the academy, it is a nice cultural way to symbolize ones growth and time here.


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