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Sun 26th May 2024 06:49

Dust, dust everywhere, and new conspiracies

by Malnar

After the last bit we took the advice of Bamidele and stayed in line of sight of him to wait for the mysterious seller and to await for the sign of messing with his hat twice, on seeing it we approached from different angles, I was the furthest away trying to get in a position to prevent the seller running away after being spoken with when Ruin in typical fashion walked up to to the seller, I was starting to approach when they proceeded to toss their bag of dust into the air covering a large swath of the surrounding area, and Illiara cast something likely in attempt to stop them but mainly blinded those around, to the point that poor Ruin even fell unconscious.
I tried to help get everyone back in action with some prestidigitation to clean up some of the dust on everything, and after waking up Ruin and helping Bamidele we proceeded to chase after the mysterious seller, dodging and weaving, Ruin and Cualli chasing behind the seller while Illiara and I went down a side street to try and head them off, after long chase aside we were able to the seller tied up with a combination of clothes lines, tackles, and magical entanglements.
After bringing them to a more secluded spot and talking with them, we found out some secretive group had gotten them to sell the magically altered substance, possibly frogs? Not sure what they would be like, Tanuki now they know how to have a good time, but frogs seem a bit more reclusive, especially these ones from the sound.
Either way they agreed to give more information on them if we were able to get them to safety, so it was decided to get them on a boat, after getting there we met a friendly face, and after some discussion, they are going to take the seller with them, possibly to be a pirate? Not really sure, but either way away from here, and they gave us the information promised before they left.

Malnar's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Introduction Ceremony, and meeting new friends again
    4721 AR - Age of Lost Omens 1st of Gozran
  2. The Grand Tour
    17 Jul 2022 11:16:11
  3. Meeting everyone, and throwing balls
    21 Aug 2022 07:11:34
  4. Adventures in the Library
    15 Nov 2022 12:55:14
  5. Worries about Childrens future and upsetting friends
    04 Dec 2022 08:38:53
  6. The Tourney
    11 Dec 2022 07:29:43
  7. What a trip its been
    19 Feb 2023 08:26:30
  8. Another one down, one more to go
    11 Feb 2024 08:05:51
  9. An eventful little trip
    10 Mar 2024 08:06:59
  10. Some not-so-friendly new friends
    17 Mar 2024 05:07:27
  11. A journey with insanity
    31 Mar 2024 07:18:05
  12. Gryphons, Tigers, and Daikitsu-knows-what oh my
    07 Apr 2024 05:41:56
  13. Did anyone get the number of that deer.. thing
    28 Apr 2024 04:05:46
  14. A few awkward conversions, some speeches, and some true feelings shown
    05 May 2024 06:48:02
  15. From tears to dust
    12 May 2024 06:38:08
  16. Dust, dust everywhere, and new conspiracies
    26 May 2024 06:49:19

The major events and journals in Malnar's history, from the beginning to today.

Dust, dust everywhere, and new conspiracies

After the last bit we took the advice of Bamidele and stayed in line of sight of him to wait for the mysterious seller and to await for the sign of messing with his hat twice, on seeing it we approached from different angles, I was the furthest away tryin...

07:31 pm - 26.05.2024

From tears to dust

Today was an eventful day, as per my last entry I went to speak to Esi, to try and say that all she does, as she is very active in the school, much more than our little troupe is recognized and I am sure appreciated by those she helps and interacts with. ...

06:56 pm - 12.05.2024

A few awkward conversions, some speeches, and some true feelings shown

After the last we had a bit of time to rest and relax, most of it I spent helping with crafts to earn some coin, but I also was able to hang out and chat and all with Cheshire for a good bit. I did also try to get to know and hang out with Anchor Root.. ...

06:49 pm - 05.05.2024

Did anyone get the number of that deer.. thing

The adventure in the collection of the irritable lady continued, after having cleverly corralled the two tigers of the sign noted three back in their pen, Cuali who had acted as bait to get them in there was able to slip out and for us to continue seeing ...

04:25 pm - 28.04.2024

What a trip its been

The masking ceremony, a major event for the school, making masks that best embody oneself and nature, I must think of a way to best embody this without making it too simple, as there is more to me then what is just under the surface as it were. Also wh...

08:26 pm - 19.02.2023

Session 16: A Little Wet Behind the Ears

09:04 pm - 11.12.2022

The Tourney

Before the tourney there was an incident during the night with the twins and pound outside the dorms, Cuali and I awoke to the sounds of trouble and rushed outside to find one of the twins wrapped up in some kind of skin, and Wet had broke his way through...

07:29 pm - 11.12.2022

Worries about Childrens future and upsetting friends

Today will be a short entry, but one I am most concerned about. We were tasked with doing some community assistance and everyone went to where they felt they would like to assist the most, with Illiara and I ending up going to assist at the library, he...

08:24 pm - 04.12.2022

Session 16: A Little Wet Behind the Ears

08:13 pm - 04.12.2022

Adventures in the Library

Still in the library and surrounded by a a horde of creepy crawlies, which let me tell you I certainly will need a much longer bath after all this is done and over, little unappreciated to being helped people covered in stuff to hordes of insects.. Regar...

06:26 pm - 13.11.2022

Session 13: A Leshy Construct Saleswoman and a Librarian Walk into a Bar

08:13 pm - 06.11.2022

Session 13: A Leshy Construct Saleswoman and a Librarian Walk into a Bar

07:28 pm - 23.10.2022

Session 12: Bug Hunt

07:11 pm - 23.10.2022

Session 12: Bug Hunt

07:22 pm - 16.10.2022

Session 10: On the Ball

08:21 pm - 09.10.2022

Session 10: On the Ball

09:43 pm - 02.10.2022

Session 4: Ummm, Things Are Looking Grem!

06:32 pm - 02.10.2022

Meeting everyone, and throwing balls

Today we met the rest of the students at the dorm, we certainly have an interesting bunch gathered here. After introductions they showed us their rooms and were interested in seeing ours, and we showed them all. For some reason Ruin seemed particularl...

07:11 pm - 21.08.2022

Session 4: Ummm, Things Are Looking Grem!

08:06 pm - 24.07.2022

Session 3: Getting some Skein in the Game!

07:48 am - 20.07.2022

Session 3: Getting some Skein in the Game!

08:05 pm - 17.07.2022

The Grand Tour

Arrived at the dormitories after the introduction to the others, were given some umbrellas by a seemingly nice enough lady named Esi Djana. Though that brings to mind does it rain that much here that this is a common thing to give out? There seem to be ...

11:16 am - 17.07.2022

Introduction Ceremony, and meeting new friends again

Attended the introduction scenario today, met the tailed one again, the others looked sort of familiar, might they also have been from the dream? The woman named Ruin seems very.. Intense, might be best not to try and bring humor to her, at least for a...

02:29 pm - 06.07.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Malnar.

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Other Characters by Tsakar