Vandy Banderdash

Downtime Activities at the Dawnflower Library
  The current head priestess of the library is a chatty halfling woman named Vandy Banderdash, a devotee of Sarenrae. Always eager to greet newcomers regardless of their faith or vocation—with the exception of thieves, whom she can’t abide—Vandy has a strange knack for recommending literature tailored to the tastes of people she only just met.
  Vandy is sweet, kind, and quick to offer compliments. She speaks with an earnest, grandmotherly voice, and she somehow, in any situation, always has freshly-baked cookies on hand. Beneath her benign exterior, however, are hints of bloody steel. She mentions her experience in ‘the crusades’ from time to time, and often drops disturbing hints that she has seen enough death and pain and madness to last for many lifetimes. She is always sweet and calm, but will not hesitate to take down her trusty bronze mace from its rack in the library and march into battle with any foe or monster that threatens her library or her town. When undead are involved, a perceptive hero might notice a terrible wrath burning within Vandy’s eyes. She is unshakable.
  Spellcasting Divine spells are available for purchase from Vandy or her acolytes. Heal, remove disease, and restoration are always available, with other spells available at your discretion. Vandy Banderdash (NG female halfling cleric of Sarenrae 5, Friendly, Perception DC 20, Will DC 22).



Adopted daughter

Towards Vandy Banderdash


Vandy Banderdash

Adoptive Mother

Towards Veyu


Parents (Adopting)


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