Barador Frostborn

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Barador Frostborn is a typical Dwarf, with a stocky, muscular build and a presence that commands respect. His skin is a weathered bronze, reflecting his years spent in the harsh environment of the mountains. His beard, once a fiery red, has grayed with age, and is meticulously braided with silver clasps, each one bearing the symbol of the Frostborn clan—a hammer crossed over a mountain peak. Barador's piercing blue eyes, a defining feature of his lineage, reflect both his wisdom and the burdens of leadership. He is often seen wearing finely crafted armor, adorned with the sigils of his family and his role as Thane.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thane Barador Frostborn is the current ruler of Stonegate, a prosperous Dwarven town nestled within the Mindspin Mountains. As the head of the Frostborn clan, Barador carries the weight of his ancestors' legacy on his broad shoulders, striving to maintain the strength and traditions of his people while navigating the challenges of a changing world.   Barador was born into a line of distinguished leaders, each of whom has contributed to the growth and defense of Stonegate. From a young age, he was groomed for leadership, learning the intricacies of governance, diplomacy, and warfare under the tutelage of his father, the previous Thane. Barador proved himself in numerous skirmishes against orc raiders and other mountain-dwelling threats, earning a reputation as a formidable warrior and a strategic thinker.   Upon his father's passing, Barador assumed the mantle of Thane. His rule has been marked by a careful balance between upholding Stonegate's ancient traditions and cautiously embracing innovation. Under his leadership, Stonegate has maintained its reputation for exceptional craftsmanship and has continued to prosper as a center of mining and magical artifice.   Barador is known for his fairness, his unwavering commitment to the well-being of his people, and his deep connection to the earth. However, his adherence to tradition sometimes puts him at odds with more progressive voices within the town, particularly his daughter Freya.


As Thane, Barador Frostborn is responsible for Stonegate's governance, defence, and prosperity. He presides over the Assembly, working closely with representatives from the town’s various districts and guilds. Barador also plays a key role in maintaining the town’s defences, including overseeing the Guard’s Watch and the fortifications at the Iron Gates. His leadership is marked by a deep respect for tradition, balanced with a pragmatic approach to Stonegate's challenges in an ever-changing world.   Barador’s commitment to his people and his unwavering sense of duty make him a respected and beloved leader, even as he navigates the complexities of leadership in a town where tradition and innovation sometimes clash.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Preservation of Stonegate’s Traditions: Barador has successfully maintained the town’s rich Dwarven heritage while allowing for cautious innovation in magical artifice and trade areas.
  • Defender of Stonegate: Barador has led the defence of Stonegate against numerous external threats, including orc raids and other dangers that lurk in the Mindspin Mountains.
  • Family Legacy: Barador has ensured that the Frostborn legacy continues through his children, each of whom plays an important role in the town’s future.

Intellectual Characteristics

Barador is a stoic and resolute leader, known for his deep sense of duty and loyalty to his people. He values tradition and the lessons of the past, often drawing on the wisdom of his ancestors in his decision-making. However, he is not entirely resistant to change and understands the need for progress to ensure Stonegate's continued prosperity. He is a man of few words, but when he speaks, his words carry weight. Barador is also a devoted family man, and the welfare of his loved ones is always at the forefront of his mind.


Family Ties

  • Ingrid Frostborn (Wife): Ingrid is Barador’s strong-willed and intelligent wife, known for her wisdom and practicality. She manages many of the internal affairs of Frostborn Hall and advises Barador on matters of diplomacy and community welfare.
  • Torvald Frostborn (Eldest Son): Torvald is Barador’s heir and a capable warrior. He serves in the town’s militia and is being groomed to succeed his father as Thane. Torvald takes his responsibilities seriously and is a loyal supporter of his father’s leadership.
  • Freya Frostborn (Daughter): Freya is a skilled artificer and a prominent member of the Artificer’s Guild. She is independent and ambitious, sometimes clashing with Barador over the balance between tradition and progress. Despite their differences, she remains deeply loyal to her family.
  • Rurik Frostborn (Youngest Son): Rurik is the youngest of Barador’s children, known for his adventurous spirit. He often leads expeditions into the mountains, preferring the thrill of exploration over the duties of leadership. Rurik’s loyalty to his family and Stonegate is unwavering.
  • Hilda Frostborn (Mother): Hilda is Barador’s elderly mother and a respected matron in the Frostborn clan. Though she no longer holds any official duties, her wisdom and experience are invaluable to Barador and his family.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Leader and protector of Stonegate
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ruled Locations