Timekeeper's Maw

Rarity: Legendary Slot: Neck Magical Aura: Strong necromancy and transmutation Caster Level (CL): 20th  

Physical Description

The Timekeeper's Maw is a grotesque amulet, fashioned from the ivory teeth of Yhidothrus himself. The amulet is set in a dark, oily metal, resembling the demon lord's flesh. In place of a traditional gemstone, an hourglass filled with writhing worms is embedded at the center. The worms seem to move in a synchronized manner, as if counting down the seconds of life remaining for anyone who dares to wear it.  


The Timekeeper's Maw was forged in the depths of the Abyssal tunnels known as the Spiral Path, created by the Ravager Worm, Yhidothrus. It is said that the demon lord crafted this amulet from his own body to bestow upon his most devoted followers, granting them mastery over time and freedom from the clutches of death. Legends speak of a powerful wizard who, in his desperate bid to avoid the ravages of time, pledged his soul to Yhidothrus. In return, he was granted this dark artifact. However, the amulet’s power comes at a steep price—those who wear it slowly lose their humanity, becoming more like the worms that wriggle within its hourglass.   The Timekeeper's Maw is sought after by those who fear death above all else, willing to sacrifice their sanity and morality for eternal life. However, only the most resolute can withstand the amulet's corrupting influence without succumbing to the madness and decay that accompany its use.
Unique Artifact
1 lb.
Base Price
250,000 gp