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House Longbarrel

House Longbarrel derives from the oldest and purest line of Otari nobility. The Longbarrel counts can proudly trace back their lineage to Aroden himself. In any discussion of the origins of the House Longbarrel, however, it is crucial to distinguish between history and legend.
There is abundant historical evidence of Sir Teras Longbarrel the noble, Dominic Longbarrel the radiant hand, Ratka the fearless & Rayana the gracious.   Ratka's victory over House Tegula in 4516 AR at the battle of the great houses is well attested to, even though the details of victory have been somewhat embroided in the centuries that followed.   Count Dominic was undoubtedly a real man, albeit an extraordinary one.   On Starstone isle, however, the deeds of this real historical personage have become utterly confused with those of his legendary namesake, another Dominic Longbarrel, who lived thousands of years before Absalom Reckoning, and is remembered in song and story as the Winged Knight.
  The first Sir Dominic Longbarrel supposedly rode upon a huge falcon (possibly a distorted memory of dragonriders seen from afar). Armies of eagles fought at his command. To ensure Starstone Isle's safety, he flew to the top of the Krotos Mounts and slew the Griffin King. He counted Giants and trolls among his friends, and wed a woman of the children of the forest, though she died giving birth to his son. A hundred tales are told of him, most of them just as fanciful. It is highly unlikely that such a man ever existed; like Orlix the Clever in the west of Avistan and Bertrand the muscle in the shining kingdoms, the Winged Knight is a made of legend, not of flesh and blood. If such a hero ever walked the mountains and starstone isle, far back in the dim mists of the dawn age, his name was certainly not Dominic Longbarrel, for the Longbarrels came from pure Avistan stock, and this Winged Knight lived and flew and fought many thousands of years before people came to Avistan.   The current sitting ruler, Sir Teras Longbarrel the first of his name has taken over Castle Longbarrel on the outskirts of Otari.
Founding Date
2715 AR
Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Family Leader


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