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Dominic Longbarrel (Dom-ih-nick)

Ser Dominic Longbarrel (a.k.a. The Radiant Hand)

Personal History

The founding father of House Longbarrel's story is one wrapped in mythology and mystery. It is said that Dominic was born as a poor Halfling in 'The Puddles' located in the city of Absalom. Who his parents were is also unknown, it is as if he was spawned from the nether.   At the age of 12 he was the leader of 'The Alley Rats'. A small pick-pocketing ring that was pestering rich Absalonian nobles with it's presence. They only targeted the rich nobles, and proclaimed to be 'The enemy of the wealthy swine.'   When he reached young adulthood, at 18, he was caught by the Absalonian guards and was imprisoned for 1.5 years for his past crimes. The sentence was low because most of the crimes committed where when he was a minor. An agreement was also reached with the Absalonian guards that he'd join them and fight for the army, since his sentence was so short.   He excelled in swordsmanship, military strategy & quickly adapted to his mentors or enemies moves. It was whispered within the ranks that he might have the eye, blessed by the gods with foresight.   At 38 he had made it all the way up to commander in the Absalonian army & managed to amass a fortune. Eventually he was given the title of Count and founded House Longbarrel.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Dominic did not found Otari, but he made damn sure that the small settlement felt protected under his house banner. He helped quell a potential political coup where a corrupt politican had tried to bribe the ballot voters. The corrupt politician was thrown in prison for 30 years & then exiled to the Mwangi Expanse, never to return to Avistan. He helped finance a political movement held by females of Otari, so they also had a political presence in the city. He also helped fund two schools in Otari.   While he might've been count of the region, he never once raised the taxes for the population.

Failiures & Embarrassments

In his later days when he was sparring with his friend, he twisted his foot pretty badly and was bedridden for weeks. During this period is when he took up heavy drinking that eventually became his addiction that would lead to his demise.


Calsica Longbarrel

Wife (Vital)

Towards Dominic Longbarrel



Dominic Longbarrel

Husband (Vital)

Towards Calsica Longbarrel



Lawful Neutral
Date of Birth
23rd of Erastus
Date of Death
8'th of Rova
2645 AR 2780 AR 135 years old
Circumstances of Death
Liver failiure
Place of Death
Castle Longbarrel
39 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Sarenrae's grace is the light that guides my blade to the hearts of my enemies.
Aligned Organization
  • 2645 AR

    23 Erastus

    A legend is born
    Life, Birth

    Dominic is born in the shantytown known as "The Puddles" in the great city of Absalom. The names of his parents have all faded to history.

    More reading
    Dominic Longbarrel
  • 2657 AR

    18 Calistril
    2663 AR

    6 Neth

    The Alley Rats
    Life, Organisation Association

    At twelve years of age, Dominic joins the thieves guild consisting of street urchins. This guild had the name "The Alley Rats."

  • 2663 AR

    18 Neth
    2665 AR

    19 Desnus

    The Dungeons
    Life, Crime

    Dominic Longbarrel was imprisoned for his previous crimes.

  • 2665 AR

    20 Desnus
    2715 AR

    15 Calistril

    A life of service
    Military action

    Dominic enters the Absalonian military and partakes in several campaigns and skirmishes.

  • 2667 AR

    15 Abadius

    Love at first sight.
    Life, Relationship change

    In the cold month of Abadius, Dominic finally meets the love of his life Calsica Mistgrove.

  • 2703 AR

    15 Arodus

    Commander Longbarrel
    Military action

    Dominic Longbarrel gets the rank of Commander.

  • 2715 AR

    16 Calistril

    The great house of Longbarrel is formed
    Political event

    Dominic becomes a Count Dominic Longbarrel & forms the great house of Longbarrel.

  • 2778 AR

    16 Gozran

    Disaster / Destruction

    One day, when sparring with his trainer in his courtyard, Dominic misplaces his step and gets severely wounded. His left foot will never heal him again, rendering useless to one of his most favorite past-time activities, martial combat.

  • 2778 AR

    20 Gozran
    2780 AR

    9 Arodus

    Plague / Epidemic

    Dominic develops an unhealthy drinking habit since he is unable to do sword fighting. He falls severely ill in the end.

  • 2780 AR

    9 Arodus 04:00

    Life, Death

    Dominic is found dead in his bed, several empty wine bottles lay around his side of the bed. The town of Otari enters a period of mourning.


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