Areylia Lossahr Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Areylia Lossahr

Confident to the point of being arrogant, Areylia Lossahr is rarely seen without a long, pale blade at her side. She traveled with Xzanthio Vencurai and Kharnadon for a long time and while she purposely shrouds herself in mystery towards the seekers, Xzanthio stated that he trusts her with his life. The two are worried about Kharnadons mental state and hope to find a solution to finally be able to help him.
She murdered a gnomish scout seemingly without hesitation by throwing a dagger, which she later demanded back, revealing herself to the group. Miyuki denied and told her she would keep the dagger, to which Areylia just smiled and wished her luck with her new found weapon. The dagger, Agony, is still in posession of Miyuki.
Areylia gave Ferum his sword and information about Rorgan.

Areylia seems to be a very adept fighter and has at least some magical capabilities.
Date of Birth
Year of Death
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Eviscerated by Rorgan
golden, pupilless
long, dark gray with a tint of blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
pale white
1, 79
music theme:

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