Xzanthio Vencurai Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Xzanthio Vencurai

Xzanthio Vencurai, owner of Xzanthios Menagerie of Miscellanious Magics, is well known in Magnimar. A powerful practitioner of arcane magic, those that know him are grateful for his advice and knowledge, while those that do not know him quickly grow fond of him and his serene smile. In his earlier days he was an adventurer, traveling the world with Areylia Lossahr and Kharnadon . They fought in The Dance of Dragons, facing and defeating Rorgan in a battle that marked the end of that tale.
Now, with more than 300 years of age, he has settled for a less dangerous though not more quiet life as a merchant in Magnimar. Due to his wealth and charisma, he could quickly rise to an official position of power, but for now seems content with the position he holds and his word still has weight among nobles and politicians alike. Very recently, he revealed to the party that he was a dragon, a great wyrm lunar dragon, after Areylia and him decided to try and rescue Dogo out of the Worldwound.
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
radiant violet
short, light black
music theme:

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