Ferum Adrian Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Ferum Adrian

Ferum Adrian

Ferum, a black furred Catfolk of medium hight in exceptional physical shape. He wields the bastard sword Aaleyri and currently resides in the villa Waldemar in Magnimar.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ferum is a Catfolk of medium height. He is in good shape, due to his weapon training he is stronger than the average Catfolk.

Body Features

Ferums fur is pitch black and his claws are of average size for a Catfolk.

Facial Features

Ferums face looks like that of a typical Catfolk. His eyes are cateyes with orange iris. Ferum has neither facial piercings nor scars.

Identifying Characteristics

On Ferums chest right above his heart, his fur is replaced by a black dragon scale, which coincidentally marks the spot where Ferum inflicted the wound that led to his suicide.

Mental characteristics


During his upbringing Ferum lived and learned from his parents tribe about hunting and living in a desert. This includes knowledge about trading from the travelling merchants, who visited the oasis inhabited by his tribe. As a young adult he was taught by Gildor how to view the world with the eyes of a scholar. During this time he was the apprentice of a blacksmith.


During his early years Ferum learnt how to hunt. During his time with his spiritual master Gildor, Ferum was the apprentice of a blacksmith. After he had left Gildor he earned his money as a mercenary for travelling merchants.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Up until today Ferum greatest accomplishment was the conquering of his own demons, which gave him access to new power. Recently Ferum considers taking ownership of Aaleyri as a major event in his life.

Failures & Embarrassments

Ferums greatest failure is the inability to avenge his parents death which led to a time of misery and almost ended in his death.

Morality & Philosophy

Ferum views himself as the only master of his fate. His current shortterm goal is to acquire knowledge. Following the doctrines of his spiritual master Gildor, Ferum rejects the idea of devoting himself to a god. While he doesnt deny the existance of gods he is a strong believer in scientic methods and explanations. For Ferum the ends justify the means when it comes to achieving his goals.

Personality Characteristics


Ferums main motivation is to become a better version of himself. By setting achievable shortterm goals he keeps himself on track.

Likes & Dislikes

Ferum hates the Mwangi expanse with a passion, he dislikes the climate and the flora. Also bad recent memories have manifested this aversion.


Contacts & Relations

Ferum calls Berebak, Olin, Miyuki and Dogo his friends. He views Gildor as his teacher and master.   Ferum has various connections to the locals in Magnimar.

Religious Views

Follows the doctrine of Gildor

Hobbies & Pets

Once owned a pet chameleon, who found a tragic end.
chaotic neutral
Current Residence
Villa Waldemar, Magnimar
5.6 ft
147 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Catfolk, Orc

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