Doran Sonan Character in Golarion | World Anvil

Doran Sonan

Doran began his new life in Galt, his father a skilled artisan and his mother an oracle who was loved by the nobility of Galt for her insight and guidance. This allowed him opportunities for proper education in the city of Isarn renowned for its free thinkers and brilliant minds. Doran was only 20 when the Revolutionary Council was formed in the nation, a violent uprising seeking to challenge the foreign rulers. Those seen as government sympathizers were killed first in the red revolution as they had no protection from the military. Doran and his parents were no match for the violent mob as they swept through Isarn toppling its iconic architecture and staining its beauty in blood.   It was only thanks to the foresight of his mother that Doran was able to slip out of the city, although his escape came at the cost of his parents lives. The stoic nature of the Samsaran is something Doran was quickly forced to understand. He morns not the loss of his parents, as he knows they like all other Samsaran, will be reborn anew.   These events in Dorans early life awoke his past selves, he gained a deeper understanding of all things as memories of long-lived lives rushed into his mind. Most notably he knew that he, like his mother, was an oracle and likely always has been. He began having vivid dreams of his most recent past life and the call to walk their steps again. He believed this would lead him to a deeper peace and guide him to his purpose.   This started Doran along his journey for the past 60 years. He started in the River Kingdoms north of his former home of Galt and traveled to the places that had carved their names in his memories. Along the way he found a knack for exploring and used his memory of the past to unearth treasures long buried and thought lost. Armed with his trusty whip, sturdy explorers' outfit, and help of his ancestors he was able to earn a living as he traveled south. It was only natural that along the way he became accustomed to defending himself when the need arose. Although he preferred to talk his way out of trouble it was all too often he ended up talking himself into it as well. Especially among the types of people who were in the market for old valuables obtained from a somewhat sketchy blue man...   One of the places that continually called to Doran from his past was Andoran, a place that was also familiar with revolution. Although Doran knew all too well the violence that is often left simmering in places in the aftermath of revolt, he also knew that this place is important to his journey. The place his last life had ended, and the place his new one would truly begin.   After arriving in the city of Almas, Doran settled into a tavern for food and rest. He planned to let the city guide him as he had no plans on where to start once inside. It was then that he overheard the murmurs of something odd going on and insight on a new direction to walk. He would head to the East Hill district and continue to see what direction the city sends him from there.
Author: KazutoDM
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization


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