Almas Detective Society Organization in Golarion | World Anvil

Almas Detective Society

This group of people met during East Hill Neighborhood Meeting Part 1. They have banded together to investigate the attempted assassination of Sofra Crestwoods.  


Author: KazutoDM
Founding Date
Adventuring Party
Notable Members

Small Beginnings

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  • 4706

    16 Erastus

    Diligente Shipwreck
    Life, Death

  • 4709

    15 Desnus 9:00

    East Hill Neighborhood Meeting
    Gathering / Conference

    Sofra Crestwood is holding this neighborhood block meeting about recent disappearances and murders. They hope to get a neighborhood watch together and want everyone to feel they can raise concerns and make their voices heard about the issue. The representatives will promise to bring their concerns and ideas to the council meeting next week.

  • 4709

    16 Desnus

    20 Desnus

    Dealing with the Gangs
    Criminal Activity

    Secrets of Almas Player Party Name TBD stakes out the locations The Hammerheads were reported to extort. They gathered information on them and ended up in a brawl with some The Bronze Bulls members. This ended with a an agreement with Greg to arrange a meeting with Rell Brickgrog.   Secrets of Almas Player Party Name TBD meets with The Bronze Bulls leader Rell Brickgrog. Then starts investigating the sewers underneath theBronze Bull Hideout.

    Session Report
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  • 4709

    21 Desnus

    22 Desnus

    Judgement of Lord Emberswift
    Civil action

    Gecrurn Emberswift has been arrested and is set to be executed on Moonday, the 24th of Desnus. The party must gather information and get to the bottom of the assassination before then.

    Session Report
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  • 4709

    22 Desnus

    Death of Theo
    Life, Death

    Theo dies in an ambush at the Almas University.

  • 4709

    22 Desnus

    25 Desnus

    Doppelgangers in Almas
    Military action

    Doppelgangers have revealed themselves to the troublemakers ruining their plans. They do everything possible to get rid of this group once in for all. But the party has friends and is not afraid to fight back.

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  • 4709

    25 Desnus

    Death of Mirage
    Life, Death

    Death of the Doppelganger infiltrators' leader, Mirage. Killed by the sooned to be named Almas Detective Society

    Session Report
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  • 4709

    28 Desnus

    26 Neth

    Building of the Almas Detective Society Offices and Alchemical Shop

    Almas Detective Society sets up a shop and makes a name for themselves as detectives and alchemists.

    Session Report
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  • 4709

    28 Desnus

    Andoran's Heroes' Day is Declared
    Cultural event

    Holiday in celebration of Andoran's heroes is declared.

    Session Report
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  • 4709

    28 Desnus

    Acceptance of Doppelgangers and Goblins as Citizens in Andoran
    Political event

    Almas Detective Society has brokered a deal to offer citizenship to individuals of the Doppelganger and Goblin races. This has lead to both being more widely accepted in societies.

    Session Report
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  • 4709


    Arthfell Forest Gate to the First World Opens
    Geological / environmental event

    A portal to the First World is opened in the Arthfell Forest and fey start traveling freely to the material plane.

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  • 4709



    Almas Detective Society Time Travels
    Population Migration / Travel

    Almas Detective Society travels into the future after using a teleport spell near the Mirror of Pasts, Presents, and Futures. Later determined that the Arthfell Erlking used magic through the mirror to interfere.

  • 4739


    Fletch the Vigilante

    Fletch becomes a vigilante and starts to hunt crimminals.

  • 4740


    Community Centers in Almas

    Almas Detective Society establishes community centers in Almas

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  • 4740


    Almas Detective Society Spy Network Established

    Valkyriy starts up a spy network for the Almas Detective Society

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  • 4740


    Arthfell Erlking Becomes an Almas Citizen
    Political event

  • 4740


    Reverse Aging Elixir Created
    Technological achievement

    Fletch brews a Reverse Aging Elixir with Angel Feathers.

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  • 4740

    4 Abadius

    Killed Escorite Controlling Lurkers of Light
    Military action

    Almas Detective Society slays the Escorite controlling the Lurkers of Light spying on the city.

  • 4740


    Eagle Knights Magical Crimes Unit

    Eagle Knights establish a Magical Crimes Unit (MCU) at the urging of the Almas Detective Society.

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  • 4740


    Dream Pixies Brainwashing Almasian Citizens
    Criminal Activity

    Dream Pixies are brainwashing Almasian Citizens.

  • 4740

    15 Calistril

    Dream Pixie Boss Turned Against Erlking
    Diplomatic action

    Almas Detective Society defeats the Dream Pixie boss and convinces them to turn to their side against the Arthfell Erlking.

  • 4740

    16 Calistril

    People's Council Elections Conclude
    Political event

    Ribbon and Fletch are elected to the council long with some fey.

  • 4740


    Swan Maidens are Returned to Humanoid Forms
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Swan maidens that were transformed into fey were returned to the original humanoid forms.

  • 4740


    Orphanage Opens in Almas

    An orphanage in Almas opens and is funded for the next 10 years by Almas Detective Society.

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  • 4740


    Lenses of Situational Sight are Distributed to Guards and Eagle Knights
    Technological achievement

    Almas Detective Society gets Lenses of Situational Sight distributed as standard equipment to guards and Eagle Knights.

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  • 4740


    Adrian Trains Orphans and Eagle Knights
    Military action

  • 4740


    Fey Blood Weapons and Shackles are Created
    Technological achievement

    Adrian rediscovers how to make metal alloys with Fey Blood and how to craft with them.

  • 4740


    Secret Lab and Celestial Vault Discovered in Almas Univeristy
    Discovery, Exploration

    A lab with the ability to repair artifacts is discovered in Almas University's Military Wing along with the entrance to the Celestial Vault, meant for heroes of Almas.

  • 4740


    Mirror of Pasts, Presents, and Futures is Reforged

    Reforged using the Reconstruction Lab in Almas University's military wing.

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  • 4740


    Reforged Maramaxus' Blade

    Reforging of Maramaxus' Blade in the Reconstruction Lab located at Almas University.

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  • 4740

    1 Gozran

    Smoke Filters Created and Installed
    Technological achievement

    Smoke filters for air pollution are invented and installed on forges.

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  • 4740

    11 Gozran 07:00

    Almas Arena Grand Opening
    Cultural event

    The Almas Arena has it's grand Opening

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  • 4740

    11 Gozran 18:00

    Erlking Attempts to Assasinate the Supreme Elect
    Military action

  • 4740

    11 Gozran 20:00

    Erlking is Banished into the Mirror of Pasts, Presents, and Futures
    Military action

    Arthfell Erlking is banished into the Mirror of Pasts, Presents, and Futures by the Almas Detective Society. This once again shatters the mirror.

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