Mad Troll Guild

An order of arcane and occult practicioners who are known for hoarding information and magical artifacts. Their ultimate goal is unknown to most, including their lower tier members. Access to the library can be purchased for an exorbitant fee of 50gp/hour. Alternatively joining the guild also allows access.  

Description of Library

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  • Metallic taste and smell to the air along with mildew, very humid
  • Occasional scream heard in the distance along with an incomprehensible sound
  • Lit by dim candles occasionally floating through the air, dark otherwise
  • Bits of dried blood can be found in many wall crevices
  • Secret doors can be found leading to empty chambers or leading down below


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    The not so secret rarely known origin of the guild is that it was founded by a group of devil contractors from the old guard of Cheliax. In actuality the leader communed with Nyarlathotep and started this guild as a way of worship.   They are also disguised as many legitimate mage guilds around the world. Including Solarshade in Kintargo.  


    They again have a fake secret goal to become immortal. Their real goal is to fight within the guild and eventually cause the apocalypse. The deaths of members in the guild contribute to a ritual to open a gate to the Dark Tapestry.  


  • Higher up members will often talk about the meaningless of life on the material plane as they believe in ascending to the Dark Tapestry.
  • Members wear heavy hoods that cover their facial features with higher up members being covered with an unnatural darkness.
  • Higher up members are eyeless and use a form of magical blindsight.
  • Members act intellectual and quiet but are always scheming the murder of other members.
  • Author: KazutoDM
    Secret, Occult


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