Human Species in Golarion | World Anvil


Humans have exceptional drive and the capacity to endure and expand. Though many civilizations thrived before humanity rose to prominence, humans have built some of the greatest and the most terrible societies throughout the course of history, and today they are the most populous people.   Humans’ ambition, versatility, and exceptional potential have led to their status as the world’s predominant ancestry. Their empires and nations are vast, sprawling things, and their citizens carve names for themselves with the strength of their sword arms and the power of their spells. Humanity is diverse and tumultuous, running the gamut from nomadic to imperial, sinister to saintly. Many of them venture forth to explore, to map the expanse of the multiverse, to search for long-lost treasure, or to lead mighty armies to conquer their neighbors — for no better reason than because they can.   If you want a character who can be just about anything, you should play a human.

You might…

  • Strive to achieve greatness, either in your own right or on behalf of a cause.
  • Seek to understand your purpose in the world.
  • Cherish your relationships with family and friends.

Others probably…

  • Respect your flexibility, your adaptability, and — in most cases — your open-mindedness.
  • Distrust your intentions, fearing you seek only power or wealth.
  • Aren’t sure what to expect from you and are hesitant to assume your intentions.


Human variety also manifests in terms of their governments, attitudes, and social norms.   Though the oldest of human cultures can trace their shared histories thousands of years into the past, when compared to the societies of the elves or dwarves, human civilizations seem in a state of constant flux as empires fragment and new kingdoms subsume the old.

Alignment and Religion

Humanity is perhaps the most heterogeneous of all the ancestries, with a capacity for great evil and boundless good. Some humans assemble into vast raging hordes, while others build sprawling cities. Considered as a whole, most humans are neutral, yet they tend to congregate into nations or communities of a shared alignment, or at least a shared tendency toward an alignment. Humans also worship a wide range of gods and practice many different religions, tending to seek favor from any divine being they encounter.

Basic Information


Humans’ physical characteristics are as varied as the world’s climes. Humans have a wide variety of skin and hair colors, body types, and facial features. Generally speaking, their skin has a darker hue the closer to the equator they or their ancestors lived.   Humans reach physical adulthood around the age of 15, though mental maturity occurs a few years later. A typical human can live to be around 90 years old. Humans often intermarry with people of other Human ancestries, giving rise to children who bear the traits of both parents. The most notable half-humans are half-elves and half-orcs.   Humans have exceptional drive and the capacity to endure and expand. Though many civilizations thrived before humanity rose to prominence, humans have built some of the greatest and the most terrible societies throughout the course of history, and today they are the most populous people.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Unlike many ancestral cultures, which generally cleave to specific traditions and shared histories, humanity’s diversity has resulted in a near-infinite set of names. The humans of northern tribes have different names than those dwelling in southern nation-states. Humans throughout much of the world speak Common (though some continents have their own regional common languages), yet their names are as varied as their beliefs and appearances.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Distinct ethnic groups can be found throughout the world, each with its own unique traits and appearance. While mingling does occur, most humans fall into one of these groupings more prominently than the others.  
  • Garundi span the nations of northern Garund along the shores of the Inner Sea, and their clans are known for strength and empathy, treating their neighbors with compassion and respect. Their skin tones often range from dark brown to beige, and they often have tall statures, broad shoulders, and high cheekbones. Garundi have access to the Osiriani language.
  • Tracing their origins to the Keleshite Empire in the eastern deserts, Keleshites often have black hair, brown eyes, and dark- to cool-brown skin. Their culture takes pride in the empire’s legacy, valuing boldness, wit, and luxury. Fashions tend to incorporate flowing fabrics, headdresses, and turbans. Keleshites have access to the Kelish language.
  • In the mountains and steppes of northern Avistan, Kellids live hard lives to survive the threats of the wild, wary of magic and relying on skill and might when hunting and fighting. They are typically a brawny and dark-haired people, tanned and bearing eyes that are often black, blue, or gray. Kellids have access to the Hallit language.
  • Spread across the vast continent of Garund, from the parched deserts in the north to the dense jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, the Mwangi people are divided into four diverse subgroups: Bekyar, Bonuwat, Mauxi, and Zenj. Mwangi skin tones range from black to dark-brown to ocher, and they have black or dark-brown hair. Mwangi have access to the Mwangi language.
  • Nidalese hail from a culture that escaped destruction during the Earthfall, when a swarm of meteoroids carved out the Inner Sea. The ancient Nidalese pledged fealty to an evil shadow god to obtain salvation, and the grip of Zon-Kuthon has tainted these people ever since. Nidalese tend toward gray, ashy skin tones, with white, gray, or black hair. Nidalese have access to the Shadowtongue language.
  • The Shoanti clans called quahs were long ago pushed out of lush territory in the nation of Varisia into the harsh badlands of the Storval Plateau. Stalwart and tenacious, they remain oath-sworn to someday retake what they’ve lost. Their skin tones typically range from sepia to russet, and quah members are easily identified by their shaved heads and traditional tattoos. Shoanti have access to the Shoanti language.
  • Renowned as artisans, scholars, and soldiers, Taldans have spread throughout Avistan, as the empire of Taldor once spanned almost half of the northern continent. Taldans often have brown hair, pale-white to deep-bronze skin, and green, gray, or amber eyes. Their native language, Taldane, is so widespread that it is also called Common.
  • Few in number in the Inner Sea region, Tians originally come from myriad nations in Tian Xia, a continent on the opposite side of the world. They typically have dark hair, but their body types, skin tones, and eye colors vary greatly, as “Tian” is in fact a general term describing several ethnicities. Tians have access to the Tien language.
  • The coastal raiders of the Ulfen clans are skilled sailors and bodyguards. They’re often tall, with pale to ruddy skin and blond, light-brown, or red hair. They typically show pride in their appearances by adorning themselves with furs, horn, and ivory. Ulfen have access to the Skald language.
  • Varisians historically favored a nomadic life of roving caravans, but today many lead a settled lifestyle in places like Ustalav and their namesake land. Their skin tones typically range from tawny beige to khaki. They have a wide variety of hair colors from platinum to red to brown, and their large, expressive eyes range into even rarer colors like violet and gold. Varisians have access to the Varisian language.
  • Though the empire of Vudra is far to the east, it has a foothold in the Inner Sea on the island of Jalmeray. A widespread belief in reincarnation makes dedication to self-improvement a hallmark of Vudrani culture. Vudrani typically have dark eyes and skin tones that run from umber to tawny. Their hair is often black and ranges in thickness and texture. Piercings, jewelry, and makeup are common adornments among Vudrani. Vudrani have access to the Vudrani language.












Genetic Descendants
Hit Points 8
Size Medium
Speed 25 feet
Ability Boosts Two free ability boosts
Languages Common. Additional languages equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive). Choose from the list of common languages and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region).   Traits Human, Humanoid

Articles under Human