Verdant Wheel Organization in Golarion | World Anvil

Verdant Wheel

No matter how many verdant jungles, grassy plains, and untamed hills agents scout, the Pathfinder Society is not strictly a nature-oriented organization. Even so, nature enthusiasts of all stripes—from grizzled trackers to bright-eyed ecologists to tenacious druids—gravitate to the Society for opportunities to witness natural wonders, catalog new species, and better protect the world’s pristine realms. The call for a united voice representing those interests has only grown over the years, and the evolution of the Pathfinder Society provides a perfect opportunity to name this organization: the Verdant Wheel.   This faction has a particular fondness for sensing patterns and cycles, such as that of creation and destruction, as exemplified by new growth sprouting from a fire-ravaged field, but those intent on preserving that which exists also find a welcome home here.

Truth Sprouts From The Ashes

Parent Organization
Notable Members