Aspis Consortium Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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Aspis Consortium

A transnational syndicate of corrupt merchants and amoral mercenaries, the Aspis Consortium has always had a strong presence in Absalom. For years, it was a profitable enough operation, though the Consortium never had quite the dominant position in Absalom that it was able to secure in other lands—there was simply too much local competition, both from the homegrown Kortos Consortium and the mercantile operations of noble houses, particularly House Damaq and House Blakros. The fact that Absalom was home to the headquarters of the Pathfinder Society, the Aspis Consortium’s hated foe, also didn’t help matters.
In 4715 AR the Consortium overreached, and their attack on the Pathfinders’ Grand Lodge backfired dramatically. Today, the Consortium’s reputation in Absalom is just a hint higher than that of slavers and thieves’ guilds, and many of the more respectable institutions in the city refuse to have anything to do with them. Consortium operations are but a shadow of what they used to be. The faction is thus currently engaged in a period of rebuilding and rebranding. Both of the Consortium’s executives, the professional and proper A. X. Adrius and the serpent-tongued Jaydis Milon Malddis IV, have been in Absalom in recent months to smooth over any ruffled feathers, with all prior crimes and misbehavior blamed on rogue agents and misunderstandings. To simply buy some good will, the Aspis Consortium has signed on to Lady Darchana’s New Absalom program, and has made overtures of friendship and business cooperation with both the Kortos Consortium and House Foxglove. It’s been expensive, but both Adrius and Malddis believe that having friends in Absalom will prove far more profitable down the line. And if one of those new friends should happen to be able to place a spoke in the Pathfinders’ wheels, then all the better.
Consortium, Business
Controlled Territories


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