Bloodcove Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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This decadent haven for piracy has only become more dangerous as it has grown more wealthy with ill-gotten riches. A political shakeup in the former nation of Sargava, now Vidrian, cut off the steady stream of bribes that kept the pirates near Bloodcove complacent. Lacking funds from Vidrian, the Free Captains have turned their eyes toward Bloodcove instead. The massive influx of Free Captains hungry for their own share of Bloodcove’s wealth has caused a major disruption of power, with the Aspis Consortium—a notorious trading ring based in Cheliax—finding it difficult to maintain its once-uncontested control of the city. Influence now swings between the current Aspis leaders and the encroaching Free Captains, leaving the rest of the populace caught in the cross-fire of the vying factions.
Further complicating the shadow war that regularly spills onto Bloodcove’s city streets are the colonialist refugees from former Sargava who have begun to throng Bloodcove in the hopes of making a fresh start. The chaotic port is far from kind to newcomers, however. In Bloodcove, subterfuge and shady dealings are the only reliable ways to gain traction amid the ever-swirling social miasma. The city’s poor have little to no chance of clawing their way out of the darkest, seediest parts of the Cove, and immigrants soon learn that the best way to gain any standing is to ally with either the Aspis Consortium or the Free Captains, though this often requires reevaluating one’s moral values.
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