Azlanti style in Golarion | World Anvil
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Azlanti style

Aroden shaped Absalom to match the Azlanti model of perfection he knew. The abundance of green, gold, and divinely generated marble facades housed Absalom’s migrants for their first several decades. Afterward, the citizens replicated their patron’s style by incorporating broad domes, vast amounts of glass, and toweringly thin spires into their buildings—features that survive in Azlanti Keep, the Starstone Cathedral, and a handful of other sites. Likewise, the original city included significant quantities of throneglass, a green glass as hard as steel and not replicated since Ancient Azlant. Ultimately, this style of construction was too pricey to maintain after Aroden’s departure. When domes collapsed centuries later, citizens incorporated the fallen glass into circular mosaics in the renovated buildings.
1–400 AR


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