Azlant Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Long ago in the Age of Legend, what most scholars believe to be one of humanity’s first great empires arose on the continent of Azlant, having been guided by the alien knowledge and magic of the aquatic alghollthus. Over time, however, the Azlanti grew arrogant and defied their masters. In retribution, the alghollthus called down the cataclysmic event known as Earthfall. Its impact produced massive tidal waves that drowned the empire and sank much of the continent beneath the sea. Today, Azlant is an uncharted maze of shattered islands. Its ruins are inhabited by monsters, guarded by Mordant Spire elves—mysterious warriors who watch over the lost continent lest greedy fools inadvertently trigger a second apocalypse—and picked over by the few bold adventurers in search of ancient magic who manage to dodge their attention.
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