Bloodrot Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Through some unknown arrangements with the Four Horsemen, Urgathoa makes her home on Abaddon, but separate from the daemonic hierarchy. Her realm sits on the far side of Szuriel’s domain, surrounded by unclaimed wasteland and the holdings of various minor daemonic nobles. Shrouded in cold fog, the goddess’s realm is filled with cities of the undead engaged in a perverse extension of their own worldly excesses, worshiping their patron’s desires as the indulge their own. Strangely, Urgathoa’s home actually contains that of another god—Zyphus, whose domain consists of a massive field of open tombs crafted in mockery of Pharasma’s Graveyard of Souls, and which is entirely enclosed by Urgathoa’s borders in an apparently amicable arrangement. Long ago, Urgathoa and Zyphus both had domains on the Material Plane, but at some point—unprompted and unexpectedly—the fiends of Abaddon set aside a domain for each of them and offered to let them stay. Seeing this as a beneficial arrangement, the deities willingly (if warily) accepted. Urgathoa’s influence ends at the boundaries of her deific domain, yet since most of her focus is on the mortal world, she accepts this caveat and makes no attempts to expand her holdings within the blasted wastes of Abaddon. In return, no soul destined for Urgathoa or Zyphus has ever been devoured by the native daemons, and their clergy are allowed to travel the River Styx unmolested. While no one can truly say what the daemons’ motivations are, the fact that lines of daemons sit motionlessly along the borders, staring inward at the gods and their worshippers, indicate that there’s likely more to this arrangement than even the gods know.
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