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Church of Apsu

Apsu’s connection with Golarion is mostly focused on the knowledge that this world will host the final battle against his son. Dahak, either out of fear or a rare moment of foresight, has chosen not to force the conflict. Instead, agents of both deities act in small ways on Golarion, attempting to prepare for the inevitable conflict to come. Apsu’s draconic-focused background results in a lack of any centralized church for his worshipers on Golarion-the closest such organization is a group called the Platinum Band. The Platinum Band is a tight-knit group of Apsu devotees with two official offices: one in the Taldan city of Oppara, and the other a consulate in the Puddles district of Absalom. Members are recruited into the organization from among those who know and respect the history of Apsu and Dahak. The group is primarily made up of humans, with a handful of other humanoid races, as members of those races who learn of the impending battle between the dragon gods most likely favor Apsu’s side and the defense of all life in the cosmos. The Platinum Band offers structure to the actions of Apsu’s mortal worshipers, even if it’s not a formal church, with senior members maintaining the organization’s meager holdings.
Periodically, bronze dragons who have spoken directly with Apsu visit the band’s representatives in human form to pass along important messages from the god, who rarely, if ever, speaks to non-dragons. Some say this is because humanoids could not handle the power of Apsu’s unadulterated voice without descending into madness. Others say the god simply believes that humanoids, particularly humans, are too fickle or insufficiently invested in Apsu’s faith to warrant his direct communication with them.
Among the dragons of the Inner Sea region, many pay homage to Apsu. However, typically only bronze and gold dragons maintain any direct connection with their deity, with bronze dragons serving as emissaries on behalf of Apsu while gold dragons act as the paragons of Apsu’s beliefs. The latter also hold the power to call convocations of dragons, which all but the most sullen black dragons attend. Sometimes gregarious brass dragons serve as Apsu’s servants and diplomats, though they don’t tend to be particularly religious. Apsu’s faith isn’t limited to the metallic dragons, though—even some of the most vile chromatic dragons venerate and pledge support to Apsu, who can appear to his followers as any type of dragon and with any features he wishes.
Several organizations dedicated to Apsu’s cause lie beyond Golarion, the nearest being on Triaxus. On that world, members of the Dragon Legion are trained to work with dragonkin in defense of their territories. Those inducted into the ranks of the Dragon Legion are often trained in the teachings of Apsu, though their leaders prohibit priests from revealing their patron’s connection to Golarion, fearing that such knowledge may tempt younger soldiers to prematurely attempt the journey to that world to assist their deity’s efforts. Instead, the Dragon Legion on Triaxus hopes to one day raise a grand army to offer to Apsu on the eve of the dragon’s final conflict with the merciless Dahak.

Temples & Shrines

The architecture of sites devoted to Apsu is largely dependent on location. Such sites are rare on Golarion, where formal religion is relegated to lone dragons or small bands of humanoids. Most temples or shrines to Apsu are stone affairs with gold and platinum holy implements and sturdy stone daises and altars. A vast polished mirror embedded in the ground rests at the center of each shrine, overseen by a large silver statue representing Apsu. Otherwise, the Waybringer has little in the way of codified standards for his sites of worship. Worshipers reflect on their achievements while looking into the mirror, ensuring that the battle against evil has not driven them from the path of good.
Apsu’s primary and best-known temples are floating silver, gold, and platinum monoliths contained within his personal demiplane realm. The only features on these solid, imposing structures are a few peninsular landing pads, each sized to allow a Colossal dragon to land on or take off from it. The interiors of these free-floating sanctuaries are lit with a vibrant, silvery light.


Followers of Apsu cover themselves in metallic armor or clothing with a metallic sheen. Many of Apsu’s supporters mistakenly associate their master with platinum, but silver is actually Apsu’s most favored color. Both bronze and gold are used as accents on armor; the former is used in poorer communities while gold is seen on only his wealthier followers and priests. Humanoid priests typically wear a gold or silver brooch in the shape of a dragon’s foot; alternatively, they might carry other custom-made equipment of that shape or bearing that image.

A Priest’s Role

Priests of Apsu follow myriad paths, but his few humanoid followers most often take levels in cleric, paladin, or warpriest. Apsu has no oracles, for he believes inflicting a curse on a living creature is a terrible crime against that being, even in exchange for divine power. Dragon servants of Apsu have little need for class levels, as most of their kind simply progress through their natural age categories. Draconic followers of Apsu tend to believe that a dragon’s natural progression is far superior to superficial training, anyway.
Priests of Apsu don’t have a standard daily routine, instead traveling the world in search of threats against dragonkind, or directly resulting from the actions of Dahak’s worshipers, against whom they wage a constant struggle in preparation for Apsu’s coming battle. Apsu’s priests can be found almost anywhere, following up on leads relating to Dahak’s actions and those of his minions. Luckily, the rarity of Dahak’s agents on Golarion gives priests plenty of leeway in pursuing their deity’s greater agenda. Apsu’s relative obscurity means his priests oftentimes must explain their religion to others who they encounter on their missions, as most places on Golarion aren’t familiar with the Waybringer. In doing so, they may forge connections with the settlements they visit, which they reinforce by offering Apsu’s divine gifts to those in need, or even settling in a goodly community for a time to help protect its residents.


The majority of Apsu’s Golarion-based, non-draconic priesthood are adventurers. Some discovered a tome or scene of draconic carnage that revealed the dire nature of the struggle between Apsu and Dahak. Others were inspired by the dying words of a devotee of Apsu to take up the mantle of battle against the forces of Dahak. Followers of Apsu typically specialize in confronting evil dragons, but they fight evil wherever it can be found. They follow no specific creed, other than believing in the punishment of the unjust and continuing the constant battle between good and evil. They hold that in the end, Apsu will lead all goodly folk to victory.
One of the less-prominent directives of Apsu’s teachings is the establishment of fortifications against evil. Counter to the dungeon-delving many associate with adventurers, some worshipers of Apsu travel the world to build and strengthen defenses. These architects find settlements, especially those with nearby draconic threats, and help reinforce those communities against aggressors. They leave their mark across the breadth of the world, rather than a single location, often combining their calling to build impressive fortifications with Apsu’s affinity for travel.
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories

Apsu’s Champion Code

Champions of Apsu valiantly follow the dragon god’s tenets of holy vigilance against evil. Those following the rigid code of a champion must sacrifice the sedentary lifestyle of living in a single place in exchange for continuous travel and hardship. The tenets of such paladins include the following maxims.
  1. • I am the talon of Apsu’s wrath. I strike where I am needed, but only when evil has been unmasked and there can be no doubt of my enemy’s malice.
    • When my purpose is unclear, I will walk the roads of the world to find a fresh focus. Every road leads to a new beginning.
    • Nothing is worth sacrificing my life for, except protecting the lives of others. I will retreat when needed, and come back to vex my foes once again.
    • Mercy is offered, but only once. Should I be betrayed in my moment of kindness, I will not stop until I have put my enemy down.
    • It is not enough to slay evil and carry on. I will spend the time necessary to help those I’ve protected to fend for themselves.


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