Guiding Hand Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Guiding Hand

Many of Absalom’s natives habitually overlook evidence of poverty in their city, or at least train themselves to look the other way when passing near one of the city’s slums. To one clear-eyed visitor, the Snowcaster elf calling herself Tern on the Wind, the plight of the city’s poor is a dagger in the heart of the community. While the elf had traveled to Absalom from the distant Crown of the World as an envoy from her insular people, Tern on the Wind felt called by Findeladlara, the elven goddess of art, architecture, and community, to minister to the city’s poor. To that end, she established the Guiding Hand, a combination of a religious mission and soup kitchen deep in the middle of Mudhaven. Incongruously nestled between dilapidated houses, the delicate two-story building features crystalline stained-glass windows, clean rooms for temporary boarders, and a busy dining hall that serves three meals a day—though magical wards go a long way toward keeping the building in such pristine condition. In addition to directly ministering to anyone who begs help, Tern on the Wind contacts businesses around the Coins to arrange apprenticeships for her charges.
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