Half-Elf Species in Golarion | World Anvil
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Half-elves have been part of society for as long as humans and elves have lived alongside one another. The inevitable offspring of close association, half-elves are a people caught betwixt and between, with elven agelessness and skill on one side, and human energy and passion on the other. Physically, half-elves resemble humans with pointed ears, thin features, and a tall and slender build, though some reflect one or the other part of their heritage more strongly. Half-elves pass on both ancestries to their children; many half-elves are the children of other half-elves.
Half-elves have no single home or origin. As a result, what half-elven cultures exist typically emphasize fitting in, adapting, and making do—finding a home somewhere and somehow. Many half-elves become intermediaries between different people, their unique upbringing helping them see all facets of a relationship. In more recent years, some half-elven philosophers and artists have pushed the idea of the Soul’s Homeland—that half-elves are not simply half human and half elven, but something wholly unique, adaptable yet understanding, which will one day blossom into its own society and nation.
Half-elf identities are complicated, as they encompass both their human and elven nationality and heritage. Half-elf ethnicities include the Gateborn, descended from Aiudeen elves; Snowborn, descended from Ilverani; Mistborn, descended from Mualijae; Spireborn, descended from Spiresworn; Hollowborn, descended from drow; and Shoreborn, descended from aquatic elves. How half-elves relate to the elven side of their ancestry frequently depends on their elven heritage. Hollowborn are widely scorned and often must claw for every advantage to survive. Meanwhile, Mistborn and Spireborn hold valued roles as interpreters and lorekeepers among the Ekujae and as ambassadors and spies for the Spiresworn, respectively.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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