House Arnsen Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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House Arnsen

The story of House Arnsen is the story of Scion Lord Avid. Though an ancient and honorable house, the Arnsens had long been irrelevant when a young Lord Avid, fresh from his arcane studies, joined with an equally juvenile Lord Gyr and several other companions on a series of remarkable adventures. The fortunes from their discoveries filled House Arnsen’s coffers, and the fame they earned added new luster to the house’s name. While Gyr rarely used his influence to assist other family members, Lord Avid saw his own relatives propelled to high office, and now House Arnsen rides high in the War of Strings.
Currently, Lord Avid has his eyes set on the primarchy that he believes Lord Gyr cheated him out of years ago. He leads the Optimates bloc, trading on his reputation as a contemporary and once-friend of Lord Gyr to position himself as a symbol of continuity, stability, and tradition. House Blakros and House Damaq’s endless coffers fund his ambitions, though the Vault of Abadar has been curiously stingy of late. The Kortos Consortium, meanwhile, is an old foe from Avid’s tenure as teriarch of the outlying town of Diobel, with little love lost on either side.
Yet while Lord Avid has been fortunate in politics in recent years, he has been less so in his family life, to House Arnsen’s sorrow. His wife Nahla, a sister of Lord Kerkis of House Damaq, has never truly loved him, though the two are friendly enough to each other. Lord Avid’s eldest son, Mareis, was killed while following in his father’s arcane footsteps, devoured after a summoning went awry. His second son, Deineis, was the apple of his father’s eye, until the handsome young man did something—no one knows what, though the rumors are endless—to earn him a swift exile from both Absalom and his father’s regard. His youngest son fled a promising betrothal with House Morilla, took the name of Beirivelle Starshine, and joined the Knights of Lastwall. And Lady Myleena, his eldest daughter and a serious politician in her own right as nomarch of the Coin Council, has proven too headstrong for the old man’s tastes, clashing repeatedly with her father over matters personal and public, most famously when she married a common-born merchant against his wishes. Undeterred, Lord Avid soldiers on, though many wonder if he and Lady Myleena can be reconciled, and if not, who will lead House Arnsen after the old man’s death.
Geopolitical, Great house
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Family Leader
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