House Morilla Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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House Morilla

The most powerful and influential Taldan noble house in Absalom, House Morilla is best known for its enthusiastic approach to settling intrafamily squabbles and questions of succession. Long associated with the Guild of Wonders, a school for assassins, spies, and saboteurs that lies in a corner of Westgate, House Morilla ignores the Guild’s strict code of behavior when it comes to blood relatives. While other aristocratic children learn mathematics, history, and rhetoric, House Morilla’s progeny learn to check their bedsheets for scorpions, how to expertly use a garrote, and precisely how much it costs to bribe a guardsman to ignore a bloodstain. Though the house is large, fecund, and unusually free in adopting outsiders, the numbers in every generation are substantially pruned as they progress from their teens to their twenties, though by the time House Morilla’s children reach their thirties events typically stabilize.
Such is the situation now. Lady Annasendra Varabelle, Lord Donovar, and Lord Juartos are all administrators in the Guild of Wonders (Annasendra teaches stealth and observation, Donovar handles day-to-day administration, and Juartos keeps the books), and all have settled into a tense equilibrium, much to the disappointment of their uncle, the elderly Scion Lord Celedo, who never tires of reminding them that despite being born with six siblings he was an only child by the time he became scion lord. Understandably, most members of House Morilla are intelligent, deadly, and exceedingly traumatized, though a few escape or declare themselves neutral—such as Lady Gloriana Morilla, who associates more with Grand Princess Eutropia of Taldor, or Captain Folant “Ferret” ap Morilla of the Lotus Guard, who does his best to cover up the family’s many indiscretions.
Despite their peculiarities, House Morilla is a respected and honorable member of the Optimates bloc, and fully supports Scion Lord Avid of Arnsen for primarch, although relations have been a trifle soured by a recent broken betrothal. Likewise, while the house does not officially worship any particular god, enough past scions have shown favor to Norgorber for the house to be on polite terms with all branches the god’s cult. Dr. Bensi Skule of the Bloody Barbers is also an associate of long-standing, though one best kept at arm’s length and out of the papers.
Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Family Leader
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