Kurnugia Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Lamashtu claims Kurnugia, the largest layer of the Abyss, as her personal realm. Kurnugia’s vast, world-swallowing size allows it to include all known terrestrial terrains—steaming jungles, parched deserts, ice-caked mountains, vast seas, immense swamps, and more. Other decidedly nonterrestrial terrains exist here as well, violent and insane regions that only the Abyss could host. All of these realms are infested with demons, ruled by great nations of warring fiendish gnolls, or otherwise prove inimical to non-demonic life.
Lamashtu’s seat or power upon the plane is the palace-city of Yanaron: a towering mass of strange spires and towers, itself the size of a world, positioned in the center of an impossibly large mesa. The diamond-shaped city that surrounds the central palace is heavily populated by Abyssal creatures handpicked by the Demon Queen for their loyalty or unique deformities, all fighting wars for positions in this legendary city. Several nascent demon lords dwell here as well—powerful minions of Lamashtu that may soon become true demon lords and rulers of Abyssal realms of their own, including many-bodied Izyagna, sulking and filthy Murnath, and shadowy Nightripper.
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