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Runewulf the Unbeliever

The burly captain of the Graycloaks has a long public history in Absalom, and counts among its best-known citizens due to nearly two decades of life in the public eye. Runewulf came to Absalom in 4704 AR, in the company of his cousin, the questing hero White Estrid. He fought alongside Estrid and the other members of her crew in the Irorium, swiftly racking up a series of impressive victories and establishing themselves as local celebrities. Within a matter of weeks, nobles who had formerly turned them away at their outer gates now sought their company in the parlor (or bedchamber). White Estrid used her influence in Absalom to build pacts and alliances that later helped her to claim a northern kingdom as a Linnorm Queen. Runewulf cared little for influence, preferring instead piles of gold and the company of a rotating cast of casual paramours. When Estrid and her companions quit the city to seek greater destinies in their homeland, Runewulf stayed behind, finding the glories of the arena all the destiny he’d ever desired.
As a solo combatant, Runewulf established a reputation as an unflinchingly fair fighter capable of brutal, crowd-pleasing victories, incorporating exactly the kind of dismemberments and decapitations desired by the bloodthirsty spectators. He refused to attribute any of his wins to the gods, and after a half-decade of public combat, the people of Absalom knew him as much for his title—the Unbeliever—than for his name.
He retired from the arena after a hard-won fight left him on the brink of death himself. He would likely have fallen into obscurity if not for the corruption of Fulldrin Blythe, captain of the Graycloaks, who was exposed as a paid agent of the Church of Asmodeus in 4709. After forcing Blythe out (and into the Black Whale, according to rumors at the time), the Chamber of Ecclestials sought an incorruptible watch captain who would favor no one religion over the others, settling eventually upon the once-popular Runewulf the Unbeliever as a compromise candidate. To the great surprise of a skeptical press and many of the ecclestials themselves, Runewulf proved more than up to the challenge, chasing out Blythe’s dirty associates and restoring honor and impartiality among the district watch.
Captain Runewulf has a reputation for being harsh but fair in all things, and doesn’t believe anything he can’t see for himself. As he’s aged, the old viking spirit has given way to slow and careful deliberation. He encourages the Graycloaks to set their sights on significant criminal operations and arrange for elaborate stings to catch as many criminals as they can all at once. He is popular with his officers as well as with the populace of the Ascendant Court.
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