Irorium Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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This vast arena, the largest in the known world, began as a grass-ringed practice ground on a hilltop where Irori’s faithful would test their skills against one another. These matches, which showcased masters of wondrous skills, soon became popular with spectators. Thus, thousands of years ago during the decadent period now known as the Age of Excess, the primarch of Absalom ordered that an arena be built to enclose the site—and to allow the government to collect ticket revenues.
Today, the Irorium is a vast complex of vaulted chambers, training grounds, holding pens for wild beasts and terrible monsters, and rings upon rings of spectators’ benches shaded by immense swathes of fabric hung from wooden spars. The central arena encompasses ten acres, all of it surrounded by 200-foot-tall outer walls adorned with 33 enormous statues of famous former champions. Although some of the statues were cracked by the earthquake of 4698 AR, local sentiment has largely embraced these “battle scars.” Some fanciful onlookers even claim that the cracks appeared where the historical gladiators had real scars, proving that the champions’ spirits still linger within their likenesses.
In vast vaulted chambers below the gladiatorial holding pens, the faithful of the Master of Masters still train, ignoring the far-off roar of crowds cheering some bloody blow in fights staged not for self-improvement, but for coin. The priests of Irori have discovered that if travelers and gawkers believe the barefisted warriors of the public games are the best the faith of Irori have to offer, they no longer seek out the “secret” training grounds where true perfection is sought.
The current Master of Blades, Ganfen of House Kethlin, is careful but relentless about using his position to maximize his personal gain. Ganfen uses the arena’s lower levels to hold prisoners for wealthy houses in Absalom, in clear violation of local law. He is widely suspected of skimming off bets, fixing fights, and manipulating schedules and matches to favor loyal gladiators or punish those who offend him. Indeed, would-be informers have a mysterious tendency to die suddenly in the ring—but a gladiator’s life is risky. Not all matches are meant to be lethal, but the threat is ever-present. Death lurks constantly above the Irorium, exciting spectators with its shadow, and few can claim to be surprised when it descends into the rings.
Repeatedly victorious champions are awarded sword-shaped pins of rank that confer substantial social status in Absalom. Gladiators who have won five matches receive bronze sword pins, those who win ten bouts receive silver swords, and those who manage to prevail in twenty-five matchesincluding a difficult gauntlet of solo duels, group melees, and fights against monsters—are awarded the considerable honor of a gold sword. Such skilled and courageous champions are extremely rare and are renowned throughout the city. A gold sword can expect awed deference from commoners, flattery and favors from merchants, and the full respect of the upper crust.
The names of all pin owners are recorded by the Irorium, and stone busts of those honored by gold swords are displayed around the arena. Accordingly, it is highly unusual for someone to fraudulently claim to own a sword pin of any rank, as such lies are easily exposed and likely to attract the ire of true pin owners, who are by definition a dangerous lot. Nevertheless, calling someone a “platinum sword” is a common insult, since no such rank actually exists, and the implication is that the target is a braggart who falsifies, or at least greatly exaggerates, their accomplishments.
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Arena champions rank among the city’s best-respected celebrities, and some ambitious warriors see it as their best route to fame and perhaps even nobility, albeit an extremely deadly one. In addition to the grand Irorium, gladiators in Absalom have countless potential venues at which to seek glory, including the Gorumarrux and fighting rings associated with taverns like the Crimson Coin.


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