Sevenfold Cynosure Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Sevenfold Cynosure

Desna’s domain is shrouded in mystery. While most clergy agree that she makes her home in Cynosure, Golarion’s pole star, details beyond that begin to drift significantly according to personal interpretation. Is her palace, the fabled Sevenfold Cynosure, actually on the Material Plane, or is the star merely the gateway to a pocket dimension of her own devising? If it is in the star, is it a place of celestial fire or a garden of starry delights where the deceased faithful can dabble their feet in moonlit pools? Does the goddess actually reside there, or does she constantly wander the spaces between the stars and those unknown reaches from whence she first came? And given that she also maintains a small floating castle on Elysium, how many other “homes” does the goddess keep? As with many questions related to Lady Luck, the goddess’s answer is merely a wink and a smile, if she deigns to answer at all.
Dimensional, Pocket