Starwatch Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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The interjurisdictional Starwatch enforces city-wide laws passed by the Grand Council, conducts internal investigations into other guard precincts, and assists against sieges that threaten Absalom. Their purview at once encapsulates all of Absalom as well as only small parts of it. When a crime threatens a single civil district, it’s left to that district’s own guards to resolve, but as soon as the danger spills onto the streets that divide one quarter from another, the Starwatch intervenes.
The Starwatch is the only true law enforcement in the Flotsam Graveyard, the Puddles (aside from the rare honest Muckruckers ), the Precipice Quarter (beyond the Edgewatch ), and the small settlements encircling Absalom like Dawnfoot and Shoreline (who otherwise lack formal watch divisions). The many demands on Starwatch resources mean that the faction struggles to produce enough forces to attend to them all, especially after the loss of many of its officers during the Black Echelon Uprising of 4717. The Starwatch therefore focuses its attention only on the direst threats. The organization’s leader, Asilia of Gyr, happily extended some level of interjurisdictional authority to the newly formed Edgewatch in response to the enormous tasks involved with policing the city-wide Radiant Festival.
All members of the Starwatch are required to live in the isolated Starwatch Keep outside the city walls; to access the city proper, they must commute through the Postern Gate. Thus, Starwatch officers strive to maintain good relations with the Post Guard in order to avoid bureaucratic hang-ups or travel delays. The Starwatch recruits new members from each of the city’s different district guards, and on rare occasions adventurers or mercenaries deemed worthy are granted honorary status within the organization.
The Starwatch’s emblem is a five-pointed star surrounded by blue fire. When on patrol or posted as a guard to discourage trouble, members typically wear light armor with a white tabard and blue cape bearing their symbol. However, their missions often require them to move unnoticed, in which case they don costumes to go undercover and carry a simple iron badge with them as their only sign of authority.
Most Absalomians have few dealings with the Starwatch and thus regard it as enigmatic. Grand Council members have the authority to direct Starwatch forces to investigate politically sensitive criminal cases; in the past, unscrupulous councilors have manipulated the Starwatch into furthering their own political aims, which has generated some long-held animosity between the two organizations.
Government, Law Enforcement
Leader Title
Controlled Territories


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