Summerlands Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Erastil’s pastoral domain stands on the gentle slopes of the fourth tier of Heaven. True to his ethos, Old Deadeye’s realm is filled with lush farmland punctuated by forests and rivers and populated by small, tightly knit villages of his petitioners, reunited in death. His domain contains only a few cities, mostly as a way of fostering and promoting trade, especially between the petitioners of the dwarven pantheon and the plane’s archons, though a few permanent portals allow for cross-planar trade in and out of his domain. For the most part, Erastil is content to have his realm be a pleasantly rural place, where his petitioners can spend eternity in the simple pleasures of working fruitful land and hunting in bountiful forests alongside their families and friends, free from hardship and sadness. While angels, archons, and petitioners devoted to the god may take up causes of their own—acting across the multiverse to help protect faithful communities and fight the horrors of the evil planes—Erastil does not directly require such services, and sees nothing wrong with his people supporting the celestial armies and their righteous cause by staying home and keeping Heaven a stable, healthy, well-defended plane.
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