Verduran Forest Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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Verduran Forest

Taldor long ago came to terms with its woodland neighbors through the Treaty of the Wildwood, which established peaceful and mutually beneficial terms for logging and preservation alike. Residents of the Andoren portion of the forest, however, have found themselves in a growing conflict with loggers and the Lumber Consortium, especially as impending war has driven up demand for raw timber throughout the region. Only the efforts of the gnomes of Wispil, in accordance with the Treaty of the Wildwood, have prevented similar tensions with Taldor, whose shipbuilding has also increased demand on Verduran timber.
Long isolationist, the Wildwood druids have nevertheless found new allies in recent years. Some of Kyonin’s first overtures beyond their borders were to the Verduran Forest, given the two cultures’ shared appreciation for natural lands. The elves provide the Wildwood Lodge with current information on the outside world—an increasing necessity, as the forest’s proximity to Absalom means it will have little chance to remain neutral in any conflict with the Whispering Tyrant. A growing number of Rivethun dwarves from the Five Kings Mountains have also begun traveling to the Verduran Forest for mentorship.
Alliance, Generic
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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