Galt Organization in Golarion | World Anvil
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Though generally acknowledged as a geographic region, Galt is hardly a nation, as its government and social structure have been shattered by decades of ceaseless, bloody revolution. What was once a society known for brilliant poets, artists, and philosophers flared into rebellion under Thrune-controlled Cheliax, but while Andoran managed to follow its democratic ideals into peace, Galt is now inhabited by mobs of paranoid, revolutionary fanatics. The nation’s out-of-control radicals have overthrown the institution of nobility and most other institutions along with it, and Galt’s bastions of education have been converted to political prisons. More than a dozen governments have come and gone in the 50 years since the initial revolution, with none able to govern effectively or hold control for more than a few years. Infrastructure and social support systems fell by the wayside, leading to widespread poverty and displaced citizens, banditry, and unchallenged attacks by fell beasts.
The current Revolutionary Council has existed for longer than most of Galt’s regimes, though it shows signs of its own impending collapse. For more than a decade, Citizen Korran Goss held the council together through a talent for redirecting the mob’s rage away from himself and the council, blaming neighboring nations for Galt’s troubles. But like so many leaders before him, Korran found himself the target of a ruthless campaign of violence that even his tremendous force of personality could not turn aside. The Revolutionary Council is now headed by Citizen Camilia Drannoch, a populist leader who insists that Korran’s habit of blaming external forces for Galt’s failings only led to a worsening of its condition. Under her leadership, the Revolutionary Council has ostensibly begun a campaign to root out rogue elements and destabilizing influences within Galt, though in many cases this effort has merely allowed Camilia to manipulate the mob into removing those who would threaten her position.
There have been only two constant factors in Galt since its fall into chaos: the Gray Gardeners and the guillotines known as the final blades. The Gray Gardeners are Galt’s executioners, an order of masked enforcers based in the city of Litran. Anonymity is the key to the Gray Gardeners’ safety and their power, as they can act as faceless arms of the Galtan mob, yet their power is such that no individual dares risk their ire out of fear of experiencing the final blades firsthand. The guillotines hold powerful enchantments that trap their victims’ souls, lest the condemned be revived through magic or delivered into the clutches of Chelish devils. These instruments of death have proven impervious to physical harm, though rumors have begun circulating in Isarn that underground agents have finally found a ritual to destroy the final blades and release all of the souls trapped within.
Galt has few relationships with any other nations or organizations. Envoys from Kyonin have recently established a modest presence in Isarn, and the Pathfinder Society maintains a small, secretive lodge in Woodsedge, but most nations view Galt as a kind of a disease, watching from afar and hoping its chaos doesn’t spread. Taldor is still reeling from its own revolution scare during the convoluted succession from Grand Prince Stavian III to Grand Princess Eutropia, and Andoran upholds Galt as a cautionary tale, as both nations were founded upon the same principles.
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Head of Government
Controlled Territories

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