Vittar Corusec Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Vittar Corusec

Vittar Corusec runs the Silk Castle kite shop in the Wise Quarter, where he constantly challenges himself in his designs, seeking one year to create kites that are more beautiful than ever before, or another year working to make his new creations even more aerodynamic, or even another year focusing on the mechanisms by which the kite flyer can control their kite from the ground. While he often uses magic to aid in the creation of prototypes, Vittar believes that the joys of flying a kite should be open to anyone, and has traditionally sought to create kites that require no skill with magic—be it in their flight or their assembly. Recently, he’s been working with the Clockwork Cathedral to develop something he’s been calling a “kitework” but which is in fact little more than a kite that incorporates lightweight, papercraft clockwork techniques to allow someone flying a “kitework” to use the flight itself to transform the kite’s shape. Initial attempts to create this new type of kite have been stymied by the weight of the materials and Vittar’s desire to have anyone be able to control the kites, and so he’s been looking to adventurers to try them out and help finance things. By building versions of these kites that can be utilized in ways akin to grappling hooks or even potential methods to combat flying foes, Vittar hopes to generate enough field research so that he can craft versions of these devices that anyone can enjoy.
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