Silk Castle Building / Landmark in Golarion | World Anvil
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Silk Castle

As one of the oldest buildings in the district, the Silk Castle’s broad flat roof and short squat construction exemplifies the Azlanti architecture common during Absalom’s founding. This historic building is home to one of the most beloved shops in the district, which specializes in silk and paper kites as well as magical paper-craft. Most visitors peruse proprietor Vittar Corusec’s many mundane kites of intricate and artistic construction. Others design and build their own kites to compete in the annual Festival of Ribbons, a holiday celebrating beauty and art that includes kite judging, racing, and a battle royale where contestants slice their handmade kites through each other’s strings to be the last kite flying. Other than the festival, friendly and impromptu competitions from members of the Sword and String League keep colorful kites often flying in the skies over the quarter.
Some of the shop’s more serious customers engage its proprietor’s magical talents. Downrigger Cognate of the Clockwork Cathedral recently commissioned several new “kite golems” capable of flying by catching the wind, latching onto the sides of buildings, and taking off again. The Pathfinder Society also collaborated to invent a spell to send enchanted letters by transforming them into origami birds that can fly and locate their recipient—a much more sanitary solution than animal messengers.
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