Xatramba Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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During its heyday a thousand years ago, Holy Xatramba was the greatest city of the Mwangi Expanse, sacred to the gods and head of a confederacy challenged only by the Rastel culture to the south. The people of Xatramba built fortresses and treasure houses, schools and granaries. To thank their patrons, they erected great shrines to their ancestors, as well as a mighty labyrinth temple to the Lady of Graves, Pharasma. For centuries, life in Xatramba was good, but all things come to an end, and Xatramba’s death came when the demon-callers of Rastel raised a great host of fiends to attack the city. Xatramba fell, but the demons broke free and claimed the city as their own.
Today, Xatramba may be called half lost. Unlike forsaken Ird and ancient Saventh-Yhi, Xatramba rose in more recent years, and records attest to its location. But the area of jungle where it lies is cursed and haunted by demons, and no one who values their life dares visit.
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