Eurythnia (yoo-RITH-nee-ah)

Eurythnia, the realm of lust and fertility, was one of the seven nations which formed the ancient empire of Thassilon. More recently, Eurythnia is the name of a region in the recently created nation of New Thassilon.


Eurythnia was Thassilon's southernmost domain, a land of fertile farms and sensual passions. Eurythnia's main source of income was trade with foreign lands, and the people's lust for exotic lovers made it the only Thassilonian realm to import slaves from abroad. Exotic slaves, particularly elves, brought customers from far and wide to sample the nation's extravagant brothels. Raids on their shipping by sahuagin were a regular headache for the Eurythnians, who eventually enslaved sea giants to protect their fleets. Imported spices meant that Eurythnia was famed for its cuisine.

For all of its history, ancient Eurythnia was ruled by Runelord Sorshen who was granted the realm by First King Xin after she came with him in exile from Azlant. Sorshen maintained her capital at Xin-Eurythnia, which was built in the same position where modern Korvosa now stands. In fact, Sorshen's tomb lies deep within the Grand Mastaba, the very pyramid on which Castle Korvosa was built.  

Modern Eurythnia

The larger of New Thassilon's two regions, Eurythnia is still ruled by the former runelord, Sorshen—now styled Queen Sorshen—who does not involve herself often with the life of her subjects. She seeks to fashion Eurythnia into a place that exiles, subversive artists, and misfits can call home. The modern region of Eurythnia is not in the same location as its ancient namesake.
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