
Garund is a Golarion continent located south of Avistan across the Inner Sea, and west of Casmaron separated by the Obari Ocean.

At one time, central Garund was the heart of civilisation in the hemisphere. It was a major territory of the cyclopes, who once ruled all of Golarion. Their Empire perished before (or possibly because of) the fall of the Starstone, which created the Inner Sea. Later, the citadels of the Shory flew through the sky, until their kingdom also failed. Now, much of the continent is uncharted and uncivilised, but numerous ancient ruins await bold explorers. 

Today, there are also some highly developed nations including Osirion, Katapesh, and Holomog. Despite the civilizations along the outer edges of the landmass, it remains a dangerous and wild place. Whether one is exploring the unmapped jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, traversing the magic-blasted Mana Wastes between Nex and Geb, or braving the permanent hurricane called the Eye of Abendego on the continent's western coast, there are many ways to die throughout Garund.

Together with Avistan, the northernmost third of Garund constitutes the Inner Sea region.

An inhabitant of Garund is known as a Garundi.


Only the northernmost third of Garund is considered to be part of the Inner Sea region. There has been little exploration of southern Garund by inhabitants of the north, as it does not lie on any trade route to Vudra or Tian Xia. The exploration that does take place is usually sponsored by the Pathfinder Society or the Aspis Consortium.

The early volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles mention several of the strange lands of the south. In particular, Volume 4 describes Durvin Gest's circumnavigation of the continent and his interaction with the matriarchy of Holomog.

The savage jungles of the Mwangi Expanse dominate the interior of southern Garund just as they do in the north. Civilised lands can be found in the coastal regions, but even then there are tales of hostile cities built among the trees, massive termite-like mounds, and great swamps from which emit terrifying noises and mysterious lights.

The wealthy elites of southern Garund take advantage of their proximity to the Antarkos Ocean, towing icebergs north to enjoy ice year-round.

Inhabitants of southern Garund

The most populous races of southern Garund include humans, elves, aasimars, catfolk, and grippli.

Fauna & Flora

As with most of Golarion, humans are the primary inhabitants of Garund. As a broad generalisation, the native humans of the north and east tend to be Garundi or Keleshite, whereas those of the west and interior are of Mwangi stock. There are, of course, exceptions - for example, the Mauxi people are considered to be Mwangi, but they live in Thuvia in the north. Some isolated ethnic groups call Garund home, including the Caldaru and Lergeni. The nation of Sargava is home to many Chelaxian settlers.

Elves are prolific in Garund as well. The so-called wild elves were sundered from their northern kindred following Earthfall, when their ancestors took refuge in the Mwangi Expanse rather than flee to Sovyrian; Mwangi elf tribes include the western Ekujae, the northwestern Kallijae, and the northern Alijae. The elves of the northern deserts have a culture distinct from the wild elves.

The dwarves colonized Garund after emerging from the Darklands in Avistan. The nomadic desert dwarves inhabit the eastern deserts abutting the Shattered Range in eastern Garund. Osirion is home to two dwarven cultures - the Ouat monks who integrated into human society and the xenophobic Pahmet or sand dwarves in the empire's southern mountains.. In the continent's interior are the more traditional Mbe'ke dwarves of the Terwa Uplands and the primitive Taralu or jungle dwarves of the eastern Mwangi Expanse.

Two halfling cultures are indigenous to Garund. The more common Mwangi halflings live alongside the Zenj Mwangi humans much like halflings elsewhere, while the halflings of the Kaava Lands have a reputation as savage cannibals.

Gnomes live in scattered groups throughout the continent. The communities with the largest gnome populations are Finderplain, Tiven's Reed, and Yavipho in Katapesh; and Quantium in Nex. Many gnomes inhabited the lost lands of Yamasa and Lirgen and now exist as nomads in the Mwangi Expanse and the Sodden Lands.

Among the savage races, orcs are rare in Garund owing to the continent's lack of many connections to the Darklands, save for the superstitious jungle orcs. Goblins are very common in the Shackles and Mediogalti Island, with a minority in the Mwangi Expanse and the Mana Wastes.
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