Gozreh Character in Golarion | World Anvil

Gozreh (GOHZ-ray)

Gozreh is a dualistic deity of nature, a god of the storm and sky and also a goddess of the wave and surf. Born of the ocean's fury and the wind's wrath, Gozreh is a fickle deity.  

Church of Gozreh


Gozreh is an ancient deity, having been worshipped by humans long before the alghollthus started meddling with the Azlanti. Many sailors and navigators trusted in Gozreh and followed her teachings at sea. Despite the Azlanti's advancement, they never developed weather forecast, and although they progressively found less reverence in nature (turning to the guidance of Jaidi instead), the weather aspect of Gozreh's faith remained strong. Gozreh's priests were granted the understanding of how a warming ocean could lead to a devastating hurricane.

Gozreh is worshiped wherever nature is feared or held in high esteem, but his followers are most commonly found in the Mwangi Expanse, Sargava, the Shackles, the Sodden Lands, the Steaming Sea, Thuvia, and Varisia, and among the Mwangi, Varisians, and gnomes throughout the Inner Sea region. Most sailors pay homage to him, at least in passing, praying for safe passage on their travels, and her clergy is expected to bless new crops during the planting season.

The Bonuwat people of the Mwangi Expanse worship a variant form of Gozreh, a janiform amalgam with Desna, whom they call Shimye-Magalla.

Vudrani people particularly worship Gozreh's female side as She Who Guides the Wind and the Waves.

Shortly after the appearance of the Eye of Abendego, a splinter-cult of Gozreh called the Storm Kindlers became convinced the Eye was a manifestation of their god. They flocked to the Sodden Lands, but were unable to cope with the harsh realities of life in the region and soon died. Their leaders wore magical masks that helped them navigate the flooded land, and some of these masks survive and are now worn by inhabitants of the Sodden Lands, who call them Goz masks.

Most cloud giants worship Gozreh as Ioz'om, the Sky Father, and believe that they are all his descendants. Storm giants worship Gozreh as the father-sky god Hyjarth and the mother-sea goddess Tourithia.


Priests of Gozreh are rugged folk and many are hermits. Men are expected to have long beards and women long hair. Seaweed, natural items, and strands of white cloth are often braided into the hair of the faithful. Formal raiment is usually long robes of sea-green, storm-grey, or sky blue colour, decorated with coral or pearls. Although most druids in the Inner Sea region are followers of the Green Faith, a significant minority of them worship Gozreh instead.  

Temples and shrines

Temples of Gozreh are always open to the sky and often contain some sort of pool or open water at the heart. They often appear in out-of-the-way places and are typically built using only slightly worked local materials, such as driftwood and unquarried stone. Services and occasions vary from temple to temple, though most ceremonies involve offerings, prayers, and chanting. Some temples venerate either his male or female forms and portfolio, while churches in port cities most often worship both at once.

Divine Domains

Air, nature, travel, water
Alternative: cold, lightning

Holy Books & Codes

Gozreh's texts are typically guides to natural life, almanacs of tides and such things, interspersed with chants and prayers and suggested offerings to the fickle deity.
Hymns to the Winds and Waves or Hymns to the Wind and the Waves
This book includes susurrant prayers, rules for personal behaviour, and the respect of nature.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Gozreh's followers celebrate Firstbloom on the vernal equinox and Currentseve on 7 Gozran. The spring month of Gozran is named in the god's honour.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gozreh appears as a colossal humanoid (often of Mwangi ethnicity) whose lower body trails away into a mass of roiling elemental matter, but whose gender is dependent on his aspect. Her female form is associated with the sea, and appears as a young and beautiful woman with wild green hair whose torso merges with the roiling sea. His male half represents the winds and clouds, and appears as a weathered old man with a long white beard whose lower body melds into a storm cloud. Images of Gozreh typically present his two forms reaching up from the sea and down from the heavens to touch one another in midair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gozreh is an ancient deity, thought to have existed for as long as the wind has blown and the waters swelled. His faithful are to be found in all places of nature, doing her will as they have for eons. He is counted among one of the original gods that fought against Rovagug in the defence of all creation.


Contacts & Relations

Gozreh mostly remains neutral towards the other gods unless they bring threats to his dominion. Despite this, he often comes into conflict with Rovagug, Nethys, and Urgathoa, for their destructive or corrupting influences on the world. He is often at odds with Abadar over the encroachments of civilization on nature, yet cordial with Erastil and Desna. Erastil, in particular, is considered somewhat of a friend, due to their shared respect for nature. Followers of Gozreh also find they have much in common with those who follow Golarion's other major nature religion, the Green Faith.

In ancient days, Gozreh's followers sometimes came into conflict with those of Jaidi, who sought to harness nature to benefit society. In the later Age of Legend, Gozreh's worship began to overlap with that of Onos, who was believed to better understand and control the elements, especially fire and earth.  


Nature and all its creatures are considered to be Gozreh's domain, but he favors seabirds, flying fish, and frogs. Xocothians are Gozreh's race of divine servitors. These dualistic outsiders resemble a combination of seabird and flying fish.  
Unique servants
His direct servants include:
  • Kraz'Tesh - This favoured servant of Gozreh is an icy dragonfly-like creature.
  • Personification of Fury - Appearing as an ancient elemental, a fusion of wind and wave, Gozreh's herald serves her interests across the planes.
  • Saltbeard - favoured
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Wind and the Waves;
Ioz'om, the Sky Father;
Hyjarth & Tourithia;
She Who Guides the Wind and the Waves
Areas of Concern 
The sea
Druids, sailors, woodsmen, farmers
Cherish, protect, and respect nature in all its forms
Bring civilization to intrude on the wild, create undead, despoil areas of natural beauty
Favoured Weapon 
Dripping leaf
Sacred Animal 
Sacred Colours 
Blue, green


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