Material Plane Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil

Material Plane

The Material Plane is the Inner Sphere reality in which the planet of Golarion finds itself, along with its sun and its 10 sister planets. It is an unending universe occasionally harboring life on terrestrial planets or other less-stable celestial bodies. Most mortals live out their lives on this plane.


The Material Plane is practically infinite in scale, with galaxies separated by vast voids, each galaxy containing countless stars, many stars anchoring systems of other bodies, and innumerable other phenomena in between. Its diversity, which blends concepts and creations from all other planes across its countless worlds, results in many metaphysical scholars placing the Material Plane at the center of multiversal models.  

Golarion's solar system

Even though Golarion has the most diverse lifeforms and cultures of the planets orbiting its sun, it is not alone in the solar system. Other planets include Castrovel, covered in green jungles, and the red planet Akiton with its vanished seas and endless deserts. Magical gates created long ago by lost civilizations are said to connect Golarion to its sister planets.  

Other worlds

Millions upon millions of miles away from Golarion, countless other stars with worlds of their own exist on the Material Plane. These include:[8]  
  • Androffa, the homeworld of the crashed Numerian starship Divinity
  • Carcosa, ruled by the Great Old One Hastur
  • Earth, the homeworld of Baba Yaga
  • Kasath, the desert homeworld of the Kasatha

Dark Tapestry

The immense void between the stars harbors strange life. This region is known as the Dark Tapestry, and is home to creatures stranger than any found in the Outer Rifts. Luckily for the inhabitants of Golarion, the Dark Tapestry is far enough away that its denizens rarely trouble this world.


The Material Plane was created by primordial deities as a complex receptacle and testing ground for souls, as part of a larger process to distribute positive energy between gods and planes of the Outer Sphere. The First World is a predecessor of the Material Plane, created as a first attempt at a Material Plane and then directly overwritten by the plane as it exists today.
Alternative Name(s)
The Universe
Plane of Existence
Location under
Varied mortal life, both mundane and bizarre
Gozreh; Arazni, Great Old Ones, kami lords, Kitumu, oni daimyo, rakshasa immortals, Outer Gods, Ydersius
Endless void very occasionally filled with countless celestial objects


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