
Humans are the most numerous civilized humanoid ancestries of Golarion with a variety of ethnicities, and a stake in virtually every corner of the world. Known for their adaptability and versatility, humans have throughout history been behind many of the largest and most prosperous of nations.

Civilization and Culture


No one truly knows what deity or creature first created the human race. According to alghollthu wall carvings, they were responsible for humanity's creation, although this claim is impossible to prove conclusively.

The first great human civilization was that of Azlant, which arose over 10,000 years ago on the destroyed continent bearing the same name in the middle of the Arcadian Ocean. It was destroyed by Earthfall in -5293 AR, which ushered in the Age of Darkness. New great human civilizations did not arise again in the Inner Sea region until the Age of Anguish, when the Jistka, Shory, and Osiriani empires flourished in northern Garund. Old Man Jatembe and his Ten Magic Warriors refounded the practice of magic among humanity, while in Avistan, the first great civilization was founded when Taldaris unified the city-states of Taldor.

The ascendancy of Aroden, the god of humanity, ushered in the Age of Enthronement, and the spread of human civilizations throughout Golarion and beyond.
Genetic Descendants
80 - 100 years


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