New Stetven

New Stetven stands on the southern bank of Needle Lake/Lake Reykal in central Brevoy and serves as the nation's capital. The city has been the seat of power in Brevoy since the warlord Choral the Conqueror founded it in 4499 AR after uniting the separate nations of Issia and Rostland under his rule.

Today, New Stetven is a bustling trade city, acting as a hub for exporting Brevoy's rich supply of grain, fish, timber, and ore to the rest of the northern kingdoms such as Mendev or Numeria, and down the East Sellen River to the River Kingdoms. The food from Rostland sustains many of the northern realms, where constant bandit raids or invading demonic armies make farming difficult. In exchange for these much-needed goods, imports of exotic items from all corners of Avistan (and beyond) such as rare Numerian skymetals and ancient Osiriani relics are common in New Stetven's rough-and-tumble marketplaces.

New Stetven, a city that has made prodigious use of wood in constructing everything from mansions, to streets, to forts, is known as "The City of Wooden Palaces." Due to the prodigious number of wooden structures within its walls, the city boasts several volunteer fire brigades that protect its buildings—citizens mostly join these brigades out of a sense of civic pride. There are but two notable stone structures in New Stetven—the Ruby Fortress, where the Dragonscale Throne sits; and the Bulwark of Gorum, a temple to the Lord of Iron.

Snow and slush cause the streets to turn to mud for most of the year.
Founding Date
4499 AR
Alternative Name(s)
City of Wooden Palaces
Owning Organization


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