King-Regent Noleski Surtova

King Noleski Surtova is Brevoy's current ruler. He has reigned over the divided nation since 4699 AR, when King Urzen Rogarvia, along with all members of House Rogarvia, mysteriously disappeared in an event known as the Vanishing. Prior to taking the Dragonscale Throne in New Stetven, Surtova ruled Port Ice, as have members of House Surtova for more than a thousand years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A prospective alliance between House Surtova and House Lebeda that would have symbolically united Rostland (Elanna Lebeda) and Issia (King Noleski Surtova) and brought much needed stability to fractured Brevoy, fell apart in 4718 AR when the king's sister, Natala Surtova, accused Lord Lander Lebeda of treason. Lord Lander disappeared soon thereafter, leaving the would-be bride to return home in humiliation. Since Lord Lander had been accused of harboring revolutionary sentiments numerous times during his youth, most of the Brevic nobility believed the Surtovan accusations. The notable exception were members of House Orlovsky, who claimed that the facts supporting the purported treason were contradictory and unclear, and countered that this was most likely Surtovan propaganda. This has caused a significant fracture between the houses of Surtova and Orlovsky, one that threatens to escalate into armed confrontation.


Family Ties

King Noleski is a bachelor and has been pressured to marry and produce an heir for years, much to the consternation of his sister, Natala.

The king has a distant cousin, Berislav Surtova, who often works as his ambassador, and acts as House Surtova's lead in the Brevic town of Zmeyka.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Brevoy
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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