
Oprak is a young nation of hobgoblins located in the Mindspin Mountains.


Oprak's founder Azaersi has maintained her Ironfang Legion as Oprak's army, but has shifted her focus to economic development and currently seeks to avoid war. Due to the nature of the Onyx Vault, Oprak is relatively safe from the threat of the Whispering Tyrant.

In 4720 AR, Azaersi took the next step to establish diplomatic relations by reaching out to the Pathfinder Society, a globally established organisation and, hopefully, a natural candidate for international relations. A group of hobgoblins were selected to travel to Absalom for evaluation and training while the Society hopes to learn more about the hobgoblins' goals and culture.


Azaersi and the Ironfang Legion earned their early reputation as a Molthuni non-human mercenary company. When she had attracted all the recruits Molthune could offer, she went rogue, and entered Nirmathas. With the help of the Onyx Key, the Ironfang Legion conquered the Vault of the Onyx Citadel, which would allow them to easily move supplies and troops alike.

In 4717 AR, the Ironfang Legion launched a simultaneous invasion of Molthune and Nirmathas. A group of Nirmathi adventurers raised a militia against them and convinced Azaersi that warmongering would bring nothing but ruin to her people. Azaersi, exhausted by war herself, decided to withdraw into the Mindspin Mountains and established Oprak as a nation where hobgoblins and other monsters could call home.

Immediately after Oprak's foundation, representatives of the Umbral Court recognised its independence and agreed to a three-year non-aggression pact. Nirmathas' Forest Marshal Dardinna Yallis then followed, and agreed to four years of peace, in the hope that the hobgoblins would look to Nidal first for military conquests.

Demography and Population

Hobgoblins and other creatures who seek jobs in its burgeoning industry have been flocking to Oprak. They seek to tame the Vault of the Onyx Citadel, to negotiate with the elemental natives, and to mine its resources.


Oprak's territory was carved from a sparsely-populated, forbidding, three-hundred-miles-across section of the Mindspin Mountains between Nidal and Nirmathas, carefully excluding the dwarven Sky Citadel of Kraggodan. However, unknown to the rest of Golarion, Oprak also extends into the Plane of Earth by way of the Vault of the Onyx Citadel, which is even bigger than its territory on Golarion. Five entrances to the Stone Roads that connect the Onyx Vault and Golarion exist across Oprak, the largest being the obsidian tower in the newly established capital of Hunthul, and another has been established in the fellow hobgoblin nation of Kaoling in Tian Xia.

Foreign Relations

As a fledgling nation, Oprak currently struggles to establish itself among the powers surrounding it. Azaersi is well aware that despite her military triumphs the nation may well collapse if stability is not achieved, and stability requires nation building and diplomacy.
Geopolitical, Country
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Lawful evil


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