
Razmir is the ruler of Razmiran and a self-proclaimed living deity.  


Razmir claims to be a god of law, luxury, obedience, and the land of Razmiran itself.  

Clerics of Razmir

Razmiran priests use arcane magic to mimic the abilities of true clerics, relying on obscure spells, secret "holy" magic items, and folk remedies to fill in the gaps when it comes to healing.  


Razmiran priests are able to exhibit the powers of a divine domain as though they were servants of a real god.  


Tears of Razmir is a drug created by Razmir and traded by his followers to earn income for the church.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early life

Razmir's early life is shrouded in mystery. According to some accounts, he grew up in a farm in the Varisian countryside, and left his simple life behind when he discovered a secret library of the runelords; another story claims that Razmir was once a penniless boy, begging for food and sleeping under a sewer grate in Oppara. Despite their differences, all of these tales agree that Razmir came from humble beginnings.  

Seizure of Melcat

Razmir appeared in the Arch-Duchy of Melcat, in the western part of the River Kingdoms in 4661 AR, claiming he had gained divinity by passing the Test of the Starstone. While he actually has no divine abilities, his incredible arcane power was enough proof of his godhood to many people. He declared himself to the people of Xer, whose local magistrate had him arrested inside his very first temple. Razmir offered the magistrate a place in his clergy, and when the magistrate refused, Razmir turned him into a fox, then took control over Xer.

His religion quickly spread throughout the kingdom, with only the capital, Aerduin, resisting. Razmir approached the city at the edge of the Vergan Forest on 17 Erastus and demanded fealty of Duke Melcat three times; three times he was refused. That night he summoned a terrible cloud of fire, and by morning the city and all of its inhabitants had been reduced to ash and ruin. Few resisted him after that.  

Further expansion

Razmir has expanded his territory three times since then, each at the expense of another River Kingdom, and now rules a sizable nation under the total domination of his clergy.  

The sun orchid elixir

Razmir has been on the throne for decades now, and is beginning to fear his own mortality. To stave off death, he seeks vials of the sun orchid elixir from Thuvia to halt his aging until he can achieve true immortality. However, when his winning bid was fraudulently rejected (according to Razmir himself), he has sent agents to Thuvia to either steal the recipe or even kidnap Artokus Kirran himself. In the past few years, he has grown increasingly more paranoid and angry, and at least two of his high-ranking clergymen have gone missing.  


In 4719 AR, after Tar-Baphon was freed from his prison, Razmir sent a herald to the Isle of Terror to make an offer: should the Tyrant not disturb him and his country, he would return the favour. The herald returned, transformed into a wraith, with news of Tar Baphon's acceptance of Razmir's offer on one condition: Razmiran would tithe at least a thousand corpses per month to Tar-Baphon to maintain the peace. No one knows if Razmir accepted the terms, but there has been no fighting between the two.

However, Razmir has begun to act erratically and become withdrawn from his priests, entirely focusing on Tar-Baphon one day and treating the Tyrant as beneath his notice the next. Some of his faithful are frightened by this lapse in protection, especially in the face of the Whispering Tyrant, but the rumour has not spread far outside of the secret circles in Thronestep and First Step.


Contacts & Relations

Most deities regard Razmir with contempt or disdainful amusement. The only exception is the deity Sivanah who has an incomprehensible interest in the Living God. Her followers, most often veiled witches from Irrisen, are her most commonly utilised emissaries to Razmiran.
Lawful evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Living God
Master of the 31 Steps
Aligned Organization
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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