Sarkoris Scar

The Sarkoris Scar is a jagged, black gash that runs across the land once known as Sarkoris and, more recently, as the Worldwound. Although the yawning portal to the Abyss is no more, the land of the Sarkoris Scar continues to be infested with demons, and the Kellid descendants of the original inhabitants of Sarkoris still have a long way to go before they could reclaim their ancestors' land.


In 4606 AR, the Worldwound opened in Sarkoris. Demons poured through the rift and overran Sarkoris without meeting much resistance. In short order, the entire country was consumed before Mendev, with the aid of volunteers from across the Inner Sea region, managed to halt their advance during five successive crusades.

In 4718 AR, a band of Mendevian adventurers closed the Worldwound and killed its architect, the demon lord Deskari, ending the Mendevian Crusades in victory. Later that year, efforts to reclaim the Sarkoris Scar began.

Demography and Population

Although both Deskari and the Worldwound are no more, the land of the Sarkoris Scar remains dangerous. Even though the endless demonic tide was cut off with the Worldwound's closure, it did not kill the ones already present or cleanse the blighted land. The remaining demons are now cut off from the Abyss and are desperate to survive. Most of the crusaders have also headed south to fight the recently freed Whispering Tyrant. After it was determined that Iz, Undarin and Storasta were too corrupted to rebuild, they were razed and abandoned, and for now, the mines outside Iz and the Sarkora River are left for demons and the dead.

Nevertheless, the self-proclaimed Reclaimers, consisting of courageous crusaders, followers of the Green Faith, and descendants of old Sarkoris, are determined to restore what they can. Their only permanent holding is the town of Gundrun, which they have fortified with walls and wardstones. Otherwise, they prefer a nomadic lifestyle and focus on restoring wildernesses, since they believe that this way of life is cleaner and nobler than settled life, and that the Sarkoris Scar remains too blighted to settle. Two of the Reclaimers' primary targets are the city of Dyinglight and the great library of druidic lore deep in the Shudderwood, but both sites remain in evil hands: the former is controlled by fiendish, cannibalistic giants, the latter by corrupted, tormented fey.

Even the wild animals in the Sarkoris Scar are tainted with the touch of the Abyss, yet the Reclaimers are making slow, painful progress eliminating them from the land. The Sarkoris Scar is home to a large number of Pitborn tieflings, a result of the fiendish corruption that is still steeped into the land.
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Official Languages
Demon worship
Chaotic evil


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