Realm of the Mammoth Lords

A realm of harsh weather, brutal megafauna, and savvy hunter-gatherers, the Realm of the Mammoth Lords is a land in Avistan's far north that spells doom for those who take it lightly.


At its most granular level, the Mammoth Lords are comprised of Kellid tribes as small as a few families in number. These tribes form larger groups called followings, which themselves can include hundreds of tribes. A following is when two or more tribes join together to follow a particularly powerful warrior or leader, known as a herder, who has proven themselves through acts of great courage, strength, or guile, and is backed by a following's most prominent family.


The Realm of the Mammoth Lords is a timeless place that flows with the rhythms of nature and the dictates of the seasons, and as such does not measure its history in the same way as civilised folk who obsess over dates and years. The timeless nature of the land and its inhabitants' technologically simple lifestyle means that the Realm of the Mammoth Lords' history is less filled with the betrayals and political turmoil typical of other lands. The biggest event to beset the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in recent times was the death of Aroden and the subsequent creation of the Worldwound, which created a new threat to the east. What was once the similarly-minded barbarian kingdom of Sarkoris, was soon overrun by hordes of ravenous demons that now raid along the Mammoth Lords' eastern border.


The Realm of the Mammoth Lords sits in the far north of Avistan wedged against the vast, icy nothingness of the Crown of the World. To its east lies the demon-infested wasteland of the Worldwound, while it shares its western border with icy queendom of Irrisen. Stuck between these two hostile, supernatural powers, it is no wonder that the Realm spawns such hardy folk. The majority of the land is covered in cold, harsh tundra and boreal forest, across which roam herds of huge creatures long extinct in other lands.  

Connection to Deep Tolguth

Herds of aurochs and bison roam amongst families of lumbering mammoths (for which the land is named) and mastodons, all under the hunting eye of saber-tooth tigers. These creatures are believed to come from some sort of strange underground world where titanic beasts from an earlier age still roam and humans have never grasped the tenants of civilisation. This land is known to its inhabitants (and the few scholars who believe in its existence) as Deep Tolguth. It is believed that the Earthnavel, a terrifying descent lined with the bones of ancient beasts and tribal warriors, once connected Deep Tolguth to the surface. However, the lower tunnels have long since collapsed.
No single ruler
Geopolitical, Country
Mammoth Lords
Ruling Organization
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities
Desna, Gorum, Rovagug


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