The Linnorm Kings

A Linnorm King is a ruler of one of the kingdoms within the nation known as the Lands of the Linnorm Kings in the north-western reaches of Avistan. To become a Linnorm King, a contender must defeat a linnorm in single combat and carry the creature's severed head through the gates of the city he or she wishes to rule. Legends state that one day a Linnorm King will rise to unite all the regions of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and that this High King will need to slay the 'Father of All Linnorms', Fafnheir, to claim that title. The very first Linnorm King, King Saebjorn Arm-Fang, attempted this prize but failed.  

Contemporary Linnorm Kings

Today there are five Linnorm Kings reigning in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings:
  • Ingimundr the Unruly leads Broken Bay
  • Nankou leads Icemark
  • White Estrid rules the Ironbound Islands
  • Ostog the Unslain controls Southmoor
  • Thira Ash-Eyes controls Kalsgard

Past Linnorm Kings

  • Fjarn: A vile undead creature in the service of Urgathoa who was forced to eat his entire honour guard.
  • Grehunde: A Linnorm King of Jol, killed in her final raid before planning to set sail westward for Valenhall. Her gorget became a family heirloom.
  • Opir Eightfingers: Defeated in 4719 AR by Runelord Belimarius of New Thassilon. His corpse was never found, and his throne was claimed by the adventurer Ostog the Unslain.
  • Sveinn Blood-Eagle: Retired to Valenhall in 4719 AR.


At the mouth of the Rimeflow River, Saebjorn Arm-Fang killed a linnorm in -624 AR in single combat. Thereafter he declared himself the first Linnorm King and set up his capital by founding Kalsgard. It is from -624 AR that historians date the foundation of the nation of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings.
Geopolitical, Co-rulership
Parent Organization

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