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This ranger is a giant hunter. He is determined to avenge the death of his beloved, his daughter and her village. He has been tracking a hill giant in wyvern hide named Gragglebeard.
  First encounters the PCs here - An Anxious Dog 
  His companion is Dog
  Dog - 6
  Influence Encounter
Male ranger 1
Perception +6
Will +4
Discovery DC 13 Hunting Lore, DC 15 Perception, DC 17 Nature Influence Skills DC 13 Giant Lore (to show Ekundayo you know much of his favored enemies), DC 15 Survival (to impress Ekundayo with your ability to get along in the wild), DC 17 Crafting (to appeal to Ekundayo’s sense of artisanship), DC 19 Diplomacy, DC 21 Deception, DC 23 Intimidation
  Influence 2: Ekundayo’s attitude improves to indifferent (if it wasn’t already). He agrees to take part in encounters with the PCs, fighting at their side.
Influence 4: Ekundayo becomes friendly to the PCs; he shares the knowledge of his inventions and methods of giant hunting with them.
Influence 8: Ekundayo becomes helpful to the PCs, and he volunteers much of his time to help with carpentry projects in the PCs’ kingdom. As long as he remains helpful, this reduces the Construction DC of any structure that has a Lumber cost to construct by 2. Additionally, once he’s capable of crafting a hooked rune, he’ll gift the first one he makes to the PCs. Finally, it’s at this point he asks the PCs to call him Ekun.
  Resistances Until Ekundayo is made friendly, he is wary and suspicious of kindness and doesn’t allow much in the way of hope into his heart. Any attempt to Influence him using sympathy or including promises to help him increases the DC by 2. Once his attitude is at least friendly, this penalty is removed. 
  Weakness Promises to aid him in slaying giants or to spend time tracking down Gragglebeard are a sure way to earn Ekundayo’s support. Using these tactics grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Influence checks.
  Background Ekundayo has suffered immense tragedies in his life, and when he is first encountered by the PCs, these traumas are clouding his focus and overwhelming his purpose. He doesn’t realize it at first, but companionship is just the thing he’s looking for to try to rebuild his sense of self. His only remaining link to his past, his old friend Ntavi, could become his salvation or his downfall, depending on the PCs’ actions. Appearance Ekundayo has dark skin and close-cropped hair, and he typically regards the world with an impassive but observant expression. Personality Of late, Ekundayo has been increasingly somber and introspective, speaking only when needed and then only in short replies. He has lost family and friends too often, a series of tragedies that’s made him wary of forming new relationships for fear of losing them as well. He hasn’t recently had much cause to laugh or smile, yet when he does, his delight is infectious. Reward: Grant the PCs 10 XP when they reach 6 Influence with Ekundayo, and a further 30 XP when they reach 8 Influence.

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