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GB - 6 Temple of the Elk

pg 60
  10D - Moderate 2
  Once a small but well-tended shrine to Erastil, the Temple of the Elk has stood abandoned since Taldor’s last attempt to occupy this region ages ago. Unfortunately, the last keeper of the shrine became a little unstable after he finally admitted to himself that the trolls, kobolds, boggards, and other monsters had “won” and would drive the Taldan colonists out. Frustrated, the cleric lured an enormous grizzly bear to the temple and sacrificed it in the name of “any who would answer the call” to aid against his enemies. His lack of faith in Erastil proved his undoing, and as his fall from grace caused him to lose his abilities and perish. His cruel spirit possessed the bear’s remains, resurrecting the creature in a mockery of what the cleric once represented.
  The water in the pool is foul and stagnant. Succeeding at a DC 12 Religion check or DC 8 Erastil Lore check to Recall Knowledge allows a PC to recognize the entire site as a disused shrine dedicated to Erastil. On a critical success, the PC recalls rites that can be used to help restore the temple to functionality once the lingering malevolence is defeated.
  Creature: Neither fully natural nor strictly an undead monstrosity, the cursed grizzly bear—who spent a brief moment dead at the ancient priest’s hands—dwells here to this day.
Cursed Guardian - Creature 4

Perception +8; low-light vision, scent (imprecise) 30'
Languages Common, Sylvan (can't speak any language)
Skills Athletics +12, Suvival +8

STR +6 , DEX +3 , CON +5 , INT -3 , WIS +0 , CHA +3

AC 21
Saving Throws Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +6
HP58; - Weaknesses Deadeye’s Shame The cursed guardian has weakness 5 to all damage inflicted upon it by a worshipper of Erastil, and it takes a –2 circumstance penalty to all saving throws to resist effects caused by worshippers of Erastil. If it ever suffers a critical hit from or critically fails a save against an effect caused by a worshipper of Erastil, the cursed guardian is stunned 1.
Speed 35'
Melee jaws +14, Damage2d6+8 piercing   claw +14 (agile) Damage2d4+8 slashing plus Grab   Mauler The cursed guardian gains a +2 circumstance bonus to damage rolls against creatures it Grabs.   Rush The cursed guardian Strides and makes a Strike at the end of that movement. During the Stride, it gains a +10-foot circumstance bonus to its Speed.

  Resources: Once the cursed guardian is slain, it sighs in relief, then collapses in on itself, transforming first into an incredibly old human man with a look of peace in his eyes before crumbling into a skeleton, and finally to a pile of dust. As this happens, the shrine grows more vibrant and colorful. Wildflowers bloom, the sound of birdsong fills the air, and the overall ambience of the place grows more welcoming. The water in the pool becomes crystal clear and, for the next 24 hours, grants the effects of a moderate healing potion to anyone who drinks directly from it. The restorative effects only affect an individual the first time they drink the water; subsequent attempts provide no magical benefits. If the water is removed from the area of the temple, it immediately loses its power.
At this point, the temple can be fully restored via the special Leadership activity Restore the Temple of the Elk

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